Former US President Donald Trump (French)

Former US President Donald Trump called for candidates for the presidential elections in the United States to be subjected to cognitive tests, after his rival for the Republican Party nomination for the presidential elections, Nikki Haley, doubted his ability to assume the presidency, given his advanced age.

Trump (77 years old) said that he feels that his focus is better than it was 20 years ago, which appears to be a response to Haley, who recently criticized him, and considered his slips of the tongue an indication of his inability to assume the presidency.

Trump's statements came yesterday, Saturday, during a speech he delivered at an election rally in the state of Nevada, before voting in the primary elections to choose the state's Republican Party nominee, which will take place on February 8.

During the past few days, Haley described Trump's performance as confused, after he confused her with the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, who belongs to the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi, during a speech he delivered on January 19.

During his aforementioned speech, it seemed at times as if Trump was mumbling slurred words, and he also seemed to hint that former Democratic President Barack Obama was still president of the United States.

Haley accuses Trump of bullying

Observers believe that Trump will win the primary elections in the state of Nevada, after winning the party's elections in the states of Iowa and New Hampshire, which makes him the most likely candidate to obtain his party's nomination for the race for the White House.

His most prominent competitor, Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida, announced his withdrawal from the presidential race from the Republican Party and his support for Trump, and all that remains of his Republican competitors is Haley, who refuses to withdraw and confirms that she will continue her election campaign in the state of South Carolina and beyond.

Shortly after Trump's speech, Haley appeared at a campaign rally in South Carolina. She reiterated that Trump had recently seemed "confused" and said that if he wanted to take a cognitive test, "he should have no problem holding a debate with me, because this is the ultimate test of the mental competency of anyone running for president."

Trump refuses to participate in the debates that take place during the primary elections between the competitors for the Republican Party nomination for the presidential elections.

During a statement she made to NBC this evening, Haley said that Trump wants to win the nomination through “bullying,” and accused the Republican Party administration of seeking to announce his victory in the primary elections before they end.

She pointed out that the primary elections are still in their early stages, as they have only been held so far in two states, and hinted that Trump had put pressure on the Republican National Committee to support him prematurely.

Source: Reuters