Efe | AFP United Nations (USA)

United Nations (USA)

Updated Sunday, January 28, 2024-10:28

  • Israel-Gaza War UN court demands Israel not commit genocide in Gaza

  • Zubin Mehta "I am against the Government of Israel"

The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, called this Sunday for the resumption of funding to the Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), seriously questioned by the possible involvement of some of its members. members in the attacks by the Islamist group Hamas on Israel on October 7.

"The UN is taking swift action following extremely serious allegations against several UNRWA staff. These alleged abhorrent acts must have consequences. But

the humanitarian needs of the desperate populations

UNRWA serves must be met," said the Portuguese leader in a statement published in the early hours of Sunday.

To know more

War in Gaza.

US suspends aid to UN Palestinian refugee agency after 12 employees accused of collaborating with Hamas

  • Editor: PABLO PARDO (Correspondent)Washington

US suspends aid to UN Palestinian refugee agency after 12 employees accused of collaborating with Hamas


Israel expands its massive incursion into Khan Younis as it denounces the role of UNRWA

  • Editorial: SAL EMERGUI Jerusalem

Israel expands its massive incursion into Khan Younis as it denounces the role of UNRWA

"While I understand the concerns - I myself was horrified by the allegations - I strongly call on the governments that suspended contributions to

at least ensure the continuity of

UNRWA operations," Guterres said in a statement, citing the acronym for UNRWA. agency, reports AFP.

Guterres' communication ensures that

"of the 12 people involved,

nine were immediately identified and


by the Commissioner General of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini. The

death of one is confirmed and the identity of the other two is being clarified."

"Any UN employee involved in acts of terrorism will be

held accountable

, including through criminal prosecution. The Secretariat stands ready to cooperate with a competent authority capable of prosecuting individuals in accordance with the Secretariat's normal procedures for such cooperation." , adds the statement, which also clarifies that UNRWA had also previously announced a

"comprehensive and independent review" of the organization

on January 17.

However, Guterres emphasizes that

two million civilians in


"depend on UNRWA's critical aid

for their daily survival," but the agency's current funding will not allow it to "meet all the requirements to support them in February." .

Several countries, including the US and Canada, announced that they will cut their financial aid to UNRWA following reports that members of its staff had participated in the series of coordinated attacks that Hamas carried out on October 7.

Israel calls for Lazzarini's resignation

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz called for the resignation of UNRWA head Philippe Lazzarini, reports Afp.

"Mr. Lazzarini, please resign," Katz said Saturday night on social media site X, after the head of UNRWA warned that cuts to the agency's funding could cause its operations to collapse.

Katz called on donors to favor agencies "that are sincerely dedicated to peace and development" in rebuilding Gaza after the war.

The US announced on Friday that it was temporarily suspending its funding to the agency, a decision followed by

Australia, Canada, Italy, the United Kingdom, Finland, the Netherlands



Hamas denounced Israeli "threats" against UNRWA

and urged the UN and other international organizations not to "give in to threats and blackmail."

After the attack, Israel has deployed a vast military operation after which

nearly 26,200 Palestinians have died in the Gaza Strip.

UN shelter attacked

Tense relations between Israel and UNRWA deteriorated after

the agency reported a tank attack

that reportedly hit a

displaced persons shelter in Khan Yunis,

southern Gaza.

According to the agency, tens of thousands of displaced people were registered at the shelter and that Wednesday's attack killed 13 people.

The Israeli army promised to evaluate what happened but is also analyzing the possibility that it was the result of "Hamas fire."

Its military campaign has focused on Khan Yunis, where intense night fighting took place.

At least 129 people were killed in Israel's overnight attacks, according to Hamas-controlled Gaza's Health Ministry.

For his part, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, under pressure for his handling of the conflict, insisted on Saturday on his promise to eliminate Hamas.

"If we do not eliminate the Hamas terrorists (...) the next massacre will be a matter of time," he declared in a television message.

Experts have noted that Netanyahu's insistence on

eliminating Hamas

is increasingly seen in his cabinet as

incompatible with the recovery of the hostages in Gaza.

On Saturday in Tel Aviv, protesters gathered again with banners to demand the return of the hostages.

Stop the fire

Meanwhile, the International Court of Justice decided Friday that Israel must prevent possible acts of genocide in the conflict and allow in more aid.

The UN Security Council will meet on Wednesday to give "binding effect" to the court's decision, which did not include a call for a ceasefire.

At the same time, diplomatic efforts for a truce continue.

The head of US intelligence,

William Burns, will soon meet in Paris with his counterparts from Israel and Egypt,

as well as the

prime minister of Qatar

, in search of a ceasefire, a security source told AFP.


New York Times

reported Saturday that negotiators have moved closer to a deal for

Israel to suspend its war in Gaza for two months in exchange for the release of more than 100 hostages.

Citing unnamed US sources, the newspaper said there is a

draft agreement

that will be discussed on Sunday in Paris.

Flee to Rafah, near the Egyptian border

The fighting

is forcing Palestinians to flee further south, to Rafah,

near the border with Egypt, where the UN says most of the

1.7 million displaced people are concentrated.

Many displaced people live on the streets in "conditions of desperation that lead to a total breakdown in order," said Ajith Sunghay of the UN Human Rights Office.

"I didn't find shelter, I didn't find a tent, I didn't find anything," lamented in Rafah Umm Imad, 70, displaced from eastern Khan Yunis, after trying to find a place to settle.

Meanwhile, the

Nsser and Al-Amal hospitals in Khan Yunis are practically unable

to care for patients and are under intense attack.

The Israeli military accuses Hamas of operating from tunnels beneath Gaza hospitals, something the group denies.