Juanma Lamet Madrid


Updated Sunday, January 28, 2024-01:49

  • Politics Mayors of the PP sign a manifesto "for the equality of all Spaniards" and encourage people to attend Sunday's event against the amnesty

  • CGPJ The PP conditions the success of Reynders's intermediation on a law that depoliticizes Justice

The PP returns to the streets to attack the Amnesty Law, just two days before Congress votes on the law and sends it to the Senate. The main opposition party will gather this Sunday in the

Plaza de España in Madrid, at 12:00 p.m.

, in an event to which it has invited its 3,361 mayors. Almost all of them yesterday signed a manifesto against the "breakdown of equality."

In addition to the mayors and Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the senior staff of Genoa and 14 regional leaders of the party will attend the event, all except those from the

Canary Islands, Cantabria



- the latter, in the middle of the pre-campaign for the regional elections on February 18. -.

Sources from the national leadership of the PP assure that they expect between 15,000 and 18,000 people in the square, but they foresee that the number of attendees will skyrocket in the surrounding streets, as happened in the first protest in the Plaza de Felipe II, in October, when more than 60,000 citizens gathered.


popular ones

believe that the amnesty is only the first step in Pedro Sánchez's strategy of territorial alliances, and that the self-determination referendum will follow. In fact, the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, assured yesterday that Sánchez will give the referendum to the Catalan independentists to compensate for the


's spying on the current president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, when he was vice president. As this newspaper reported, the Center notified the Sánchez Government that it was carrying out this espionage with the

Pegasus software


"When they are aware that there was an investigation under Sánchez's mandate, what they will demand will be the referendum and the problem is that he is willing to pay for it," said Feijóo's number two at an event in Logroño with the 115 Rioja mayors of the PP.

Gamarra asked them to lead "the civic rebellion" against "a Government that has stopped protecting all Spaniards", so that his party can "tear down all the walls" if it reaches La


in the future. For the Rioja leader, Sánchez "today is for rent in La Moncloa as long as Puigdemont, Otegi and Esquerra want." And she criticized "the exercise of moral corruption, which we Spaniards cannot consent to" of establishing two categories of terrorism so that one of them can be amnestied: "Terrorism is always terrorism and cannot be amnestied," she emphasized. "Local representatives have always led the civic rebellion against everything that was unjust and against a Government that has stopped protecting all Spaniards," she told her people.

At the signing ceremony of the manifesto of the Community of Madrid, Borja Sémper added that "of course what we experience in Barcelona is violence, of course it is prosecutable and of course they do not deserve amnesty or forgiveness." "They deserve to comply before Justice, like any neighbor's son, even if they are independentists, and even if Sánchez needs them to continue one more week in La Moncloa."