The Israeli army transports its casualties from the Gaza Strip battles (French)

The Israeli army announced today, Sunday, that 8 soldiers were wounded in battles in the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours, while an Al Jazeera correspondent confirmed that a number of wounded Israeli soldiers were transported by land after they were injured in battles in the northern Gaza Strip.

This brings the number of Israeli officers and soldiers who have been injured since the beginning of the war to 2,765, including 1,273 officers and soldiers who have been injured since the beginning of the ground attack on the Gaza Strip on October 27 last year.

The occupation army said that 397 officers and soldiers are still receiving treatment after being injured in the battles in the Gaza Strip, including 39 seriously wounded.

While the injuries of 239 officers and soldiers were described as moderate, and the injuries of 119 others were described as minor, according to the Israeli army.

This comes amid the intensification of battles between the Palestinian resistance and the occupation army today in northern Gaza, which Israel announced its control over.

An estimate by the Israeli Ministry of Defense - previously published - expected that the number of soldiers with disabilities in the ongoing war in Gaza would reach 12,500 soldiers.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation army announced two days ago that its death toll reached 2,748 officers and soldiers since the beginning of the war on October 7, of whom 1,258 were killed since the start of the ground attack.

It is also noteworthy that Israel is concealing its real losses in the ongoing battles in the Gaza Strip, amid leaks from Israeli hospitals indicating that they are receiving larger numbers of injured people than announced.

Source: Al Jazeera