In the lesson in March 2022, the students had been given the task of working on a submission task. They moved freely between the tables when a 15-year-old girl tried on her classmate's weightlifting belt, tightening it around her waist.

"Wow, what big breasts you got now," commented the male teacher in his 60s, referring to his student.

The teacher was convicted of sexual harassment in the district court, but appealed the verdict to the Court of Appeal, which made the same assessment. In the Court of Appeal, the man was sentenced to a 30-day fine and damages to the plaintiff of SEK 5,000.

The teacher denies wrongdoing

The teacher admits that he commented on the student's breasts, but believes that he had no sexual intent. He appealed for the second time - and now the matter will be taken up in the Supreme Court.

According to the court, the case raises the question of when an opinion can be considered punishable as sexual harassment. The main negotiations continue until the middle of June.

Was prosecuted for another case - against the same student

The teacher was also charged with another case of sexual harassment – ​​against the same student – ​​but was acquitted in court.

The incidents have been investigated internally by the municipality's committee for education and learning.