Ukraine announced that its air defenses were able to destroy 4 Russian drones yesterday evening, Saturday (Reuters)

The Ukrainian army reported on Sunday that many areas in Ukraine were subjected to Russian attacks with drones and missiles targeting vital infrastructure, while the Ukrainian security service announced that it was able to uncover a corruption operation related to the purchase of weapons.

The Ukrainian Air Force said that Russian forces attacked the Poltava region in the center of the country with two ballistic missiles, and also fired three surface-to-air missiles at the Donetsk region in the east of the country. It explained that preliminary information did not indicate any deaths or injuries as a result of these attacks.

Reuters quoted the governor of the Poltava region, Philip Pronin, as saying, "Russian missiles targeted an industrial site in the city of Kremenchuk, which led to a fire breaking out at the site."

Pictures circulated on social media showed emergency teams struggling to extinguish the fire that broke out at the industrial site.

In the Zaporozhye region in the southeast, the governor of the region, Yuri Malashko, said that a Russian drone bombed an infrastructure site, without giving further details about the nature of the targeted place. He explained that emergency teams were deployed in the place, but he did not give any details about the damage to the targeted site. Or whether the attack resulted in casualties.

The Ukrainian army said that its defense systems destroyed 4 of the 8 drones launched by Russia last night.

During the past few months, Russia and Ukraine have intensified mutual air attacks, and most of the bombing and targeting operations have focused on the other party's military infrastructure, and have also included targeting infrastructure related to energy and transportation.

Rescue teams are trying to control a fire that broke out in a building in Kharkiv after it was targeted by a Russian missile (Anatolia Agency)


In a related context, the Ukrainian Security Service announced yesterday, Saturday, that it was able to uncover a corruption operation related to the Ukrainian army’s purchase of weapons with a total value equivalent to about 40 million dollars.

The Ukrainian Security Service said that an investigation it conducted in this regard “revealed that officials in the Ministry of Defense and directors of the Lviv Arsenal arms supply company stole about 1.5 billion hryvnia (the local currency in Ukraine) during the process of purchasing missiles.”

He explained that former and current high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Defense and heads of related companies were involved in the embezzlement, which included the purchase of 100,000 mortar shells for the army.

Kiev dismissed Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov last September against the backdrop of various corruption cases, despite his good reputation among its European allies.

Corruption issues within the ranks of the army are a very sensitive issue in Ukraine, given the circumstances of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Kiev's efforts to maintain the morale of its army in times of war, and also given its efforts to join the European Union.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies