A massive demonstration in Paris against the Israeli aggression on Gaza (Anatolia Agency)

Today, Sunday, a quadripartite meeting will be held in the French capital, Paris, which includes delegations from the United States, Qatar, Egypt, and Israel, within the framework of prisoner exchange negotiations and a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

The Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani, and the head of Egyptian Intelligence, Major General Abbas Kamel, arrived in Paris yesterday, Saturday, while the Qatari Foreign Ministry announced that mediation efforts in the war on Gaza are still continuing.

The New York Times quoted informed sources as saying that the head of the CIA, William Burns, arrived in the French capital to discuss ways to move negotiations regarding the prisoners.

For its part, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation said that a delegation headed by the heads of the Israeli Intelligence Service (Mossad) and the Israeli Internal Security Service (Shin Bet) and the army official responsible for the hostage file will participate in the meeting.

An upcoming deal

The American New York Times newspaper quoted American officials yesterday evening, Saturday, that negotiators are close to reaching an agreement in which Israel suspends its war on the Gaza Strip for two months in exchange for the release of more than 100 prisoners held by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), an agreement that could be concluded within the next two weeks.

The officials told the newspaper that the negotiators have developed a draft of the agreement that combines the proposals of Hamas and Israel that were presented in the last ten days, and talks are taking place about it in Paris on Sunday.

While there are still important differences to be resolved, negotiators are cautiously optimistic that a final agreement is within reach, according to US officials who insisted on remaining anonymous.

The Israeli Channel 12 reported - earlier - Hamas’ conditions for a new prisoner exchange deal, which are 100 Palestinian prisoners for every Israeli prisoner, the complete withdrawal of the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip, a truce of between 10-14 days before the release of any Israeli prisoner, and a truce for a period of time. Two months between each stage of the deal.

French demonstrations

In a related context, several organizations and associations supporting the Palestinian people called for organizing demonstrations in French cities to express solidarity with the people of Gaza and end their suffering, and to demand an immediate end to the war and the declaration of a permanent truce.

Some unions and organizations loyal to some leftist parties announced their participation in today's demonstration in Place de la République in the heart of Paris.

On October 7, the Palestinian resistance, led by the Al-Qassam Brigades, launched the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack on Israeli military points and settlements in the Gaza Strip. Since that day, the Israeli occupation army launched a devastating war on the Gaza Strip, leaving more than 26,000 martyrs, most of them Of women and children, according to the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip, the war also caused massive destruction and an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, according to the United Nations.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies