Javier Ortega Zaragoza


Updated Sunday, January 28, 2024-7:00 p.m.



participated this weekend in the XXIV Sports Championship of Military Academies for Officers, known as Interacademias, which is held every two years at the General Air Academy of San Javier (Murcia). The tournament is part of the activity plan of the Higher Council of Physical Education and Sports of the Armed Forces.

In this edition, the heir to the Crown has competed in fencing, along with other colleagues, as a representative of the Zaragoza Military Academy, where she entered on October 17 and is completing the second course of her military training.

In total, there are

384 young people from different armies

who are part of the tournament that began this Saturday and will continue until next Tuesday. In addition to the sporting aspect, these are days to encourage coexistence among them, since they will have to share a dining room and accommodation at the San Javier base and also at the Los Narejos High Performance Center.

As reported by the tournament organizers, the cadet ladies have opened the fencing competition "with an excellent display of skill and skill in swordsmanship."

The Princess of Asturias is also scheduled to participate in the volleyball competition, a sport that she has practiced since she was very young at the Santa María de los Rosales school. The heiress is very familiar with physical exercise through the aforementioned volleyball, ballet, tennis, swimming, badminton and skiing.

Leonor follows in the footsteps of her father,

King Felipe

, who while studying at the General Air Academy of San Javier also participated in the aforementioned games, in her case in the javelin throw.

The Princess of Asturias is carrying out military studies as part of her training as a future Captain General of the Armies. To do this, she will have to go through the Zaragoza Military Academy (Army) as a Lady Cadet; the Naval School of Marín (Pontevedra) as Midshipman; and, finally, the General Air Academy of San Javier (Murcia) as Alférez Alumna.