Raids, incursions, and arrests by the occupation army in the West Bank (Israeli press)

The Israeli occupation forces launched a massive arrest campaign today, Sunday, targeting dozens of Palestinians in various governorates of the occupied West Bank, while armed confrontations broke out between the Palestinian resistance and the occupation in Jenin and Tubas.

Local media said that so far, the Israeli occupation forces have arrested 22 Palestinians, including a woman and a wounded child, in addition to a father and his four children.

The Prisoners' Affairs Authority and the Palestinian Prisoners' Club said - in a joint statement - that the occupation forces stormed Palestinian towns and cities, raided homes, destroyed their contents, and assaulted detainees and their families by beating them, while the arrests included the governorates of Jenin, Hebron, Nablus, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Qalqilya, and occupied Jerusalem.

The statement confirmed that the number of Palestinian detainees from the West Bank has risen to 6,330 since October 7.

#watched | Traces of devastation in a house raided by the occupation forces in Jenin at dawn today.

- Palestinian Information Center (@PalinfoAr) January 28, 2024


Al Jazeera's correspondent reported that a young Palestinian man was injured by Israeli occupation forces' bullets during confrontations in a village northwest of the city of Ramallah in the West Bank.

He added that it also stormed the town of Beit Kahil, west of Hebron, and raided a number of homes, in addition to storming the town of Husan and the town of Nahalin, west of Bethlehem, from its northern entrance.

Al Jazeera's correspondent also reported that the Israeli occupation forces withdrew from the city of Jenin after arresting a young Palestinian man from the Al-Hadaf neighborhood.

Our correspondent said that the occupation forces sent military reinforcements to the city and camp of Jenin, and sirens sounded after discovering a special Israeli force that had infiltrated the Al-Hadaf neighborhood and barricaded itself inside a house amid violent clashes between resistance fighters and the occupation forces.

Urgent| Clashes between resistance fighters and occupation forces in Jenin and military reinforcements after a special force infiltrated the Jenin camp

- Shehab News Agency (@ShehabAgency) January 28, 2024

Al Jazeera's correspondent also reported that the occupation forces stormed the town of Ya'bad, southwest of Jenin, amid gunfire and confrontations with the town's youth.

Vigorous clashes broke out between resistance fighters and the Israeli occupation forces, including the throwing of homemade explosive devices, after soldiers and occupation vehicles stormed the town of Qabatiya, south of Jenin in the West Bank.

The occupation forces stormed the town, raided several neighborhoods, and imposed a siege on it.

Earlier, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - the military wing of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah) - announced that it targeted the Beit Furik checkpoint east of Nablus with a heavy barrage of bullets at dawn on Saturday.

Armed clashes also broke out between Palestinian resistance fighters and the occupation forces, at dawn on Sunday, after storming neighborhoods in the city of Tubas. The pictures showed columns of smoke rising after an Israeli military vehicle was targeted with an explosive device.

Since the start of its devastating war on the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023, the Israeli army has intensified its operations in the West Bank, and expanded its incursions and raids into Palestinian cities, villages, and camps.

Earlier on Sunday, the Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the number of victims of the Israeli war on the Strip had risen to 26,422 martyrs and 65,087 injured since last October 7.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies + Palestinian press