Trump supporters storm a session of Congress held on January 6, 2020 to certify Joe Biden’s victory in the elections (French)

British writer and historian Zoe Strimpel warned that America has become scattered states resembling an archipelago, and some of its areas have always been “so terrifying” that “a close look at them could make your face permanently freeze with fear.”

In her article in the Telegraph newspaper, Strimpel said that when she was young, as she grew up in the 1980s and 1990s in Massachusetts, a “relatively enlightened” state, the obsession with police brutality and the phenomenon of racism was so disturbing that it was easy to see it from the park benches in Boston, where men were exposed to... Blacks were subjected to harassment and ridicule, to intimidation by "reckless and unprofessional" local police forces.

Why has the terror doubled in America?

But if the police were more vigilant than the racist person in 2024, then how did the horror worsen and multiply on other fronts, according to Strimpel, who cites in her article in the British newspaper “The Telegraph” the execution of a man who was awaiting execution in the state of Alabama with nitrogen gas last week. .

She described the death penalty as "a measure that no civilized country has applied for decades, and it will not achieve the desired result."

She pointed out that Florida Governor and former presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis, had pledged to impose the death penalty in order to attract voters to his election campaign by applying more severe penalties for crimes.

Strimpel gave examples in this context, stating that the crime of drug addiction had gotten out of control, and that women’s right to abortion at the federal level was abolished in 2022, which in turn prompted 21 states to immediately ban it completely and criminalize anyone who aids or incites abortion.

Things have gotten worse under Biden

She claimed that things got worse during the era of President Joe Biden, who was supposed to save America from the parallel world “full of rudeness, continuous bombastic speeches, and criminality represented by Donald Trump and his followers.”

Although President Biden's era has been characterized by civility and experience - as Strimpel says - internal problems have become worse than ever, and the United States has become "an archipelago of darkness and chaos, and on the verge of collapse."

Civil war and the end of the American republic

The British historian continued her pessimistic tone about the fate of the United States, and said that Trump will certainly become the next president, if Biden runs for president or does not turn into someone else, "which he will not do." The likely consequences of Trump's return to the presidency - in Strimpel's opinion - would be the outbreak of civil war and the end of the republic "as we know it."

Under Biden's watch, the immigration chaos in America has turned, according to the article, into a nightmare. The author goes on to say that the United States is essentially an “immigrant country,” and therefore it must adopt an open attitude toward newcomers. But she adds that this does not mean that millions of dreamers should simply be allowed to immigrate to America from entering it.

According to the article, the American “nightmare” is getting worse day by day, and as long as Biden remains in office, the world will inevitably remain at least 4 years under Trump’s rule, which means a future that is “as tragic as it is frightening for a country that some of us once loved.”

Source: Telegraph