Iñako Díaz-Guerra

Updated Sunday, January 28, 2024-00:17

  • Dabiz Muñoz "I would like 'Chicken Teriyaki' by Rosalía to play at my funeral"


-sorry, Resines- is making its debut. New series and new role. This time, a Prime Video self-parody fiction in which, in the absence of Paul Newman, Antonio plays himself. Or almost. With you,

Sawdust, actor's material.

What movie changed your life?

Lady and the Tramp

, by Disney. At that time the director was not signed. What do you sing in the shower? I don't sing because water gets in my mouth. What book have you not been able to finish?

The Quijote.

What movie always makes you cry?

The Godfather III.

And which one makes you laugh?

The Godfather III

? No, haha...

The Apartment

, although it is a little sad. What is the best music for sex? None, you have to stick to what you are and not to nonsense music. 'The Sopranos' or 'The Highlander'?

The Sopranos


The Serranos.

What was playing in your parents' car? In the mornings,

Los Porretas,

from Cadena Ser. What work of art would you steal from a museum?

The Garden of Earthly Delights

, by Hieronymus Bosch. What television program would you revive?

Basket and points.

A book to give as a gift?

Castles of Fire

, by Ignacio Martínez Pisón.Popcorn in the cinema, yes or no?Popcorn yes, but I don't use it. But I say yes because they are very good for fundraising. What app do you use the most? El guasap. Vinyl, CD or Spotify? CD. 'Save me' or 'Know and win'?

Know and win

, always. What novel character would you have wanted to be? Tarzan of the Apes. What is your favorite podcast? I don't listen to podcasts. A worthwhile comic must... Be as similar as possible to Tintin. What song would you like for your funeral?

Highway to Hell

, by AC/DC. Which actor would you choose to play your biopic? Paul Newman. TikTok or teletext? Neither TikTok nor shit.

What video game left you zombie? Super Mario Bros. Batamanta or triquini? [Respond via WhatsApp with the following image]

Julio Iglesias or the black man from WhatsApp? Julio Iglesias. What cultural product would you take to a desert island? To the RTVE Philharmonic Orchestra. The last time I went to the theater... Right now, I just left the theater. ¿ Who would you put as Minister of Culture? Mario Vargas Llosa.