China News Service, Fuzhou, January 28th: ​​Title: "Post-90s" Taiwanese girls use self-media to start a "new journey" in mainland China

  Author Zheng Jiangluo

  Participated in the 2024 Welcome Taiwan Policy Promotion Week, and attended the second session of the 13th Fujian Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference... At the beginning of the new year, the Spring Festival is approaching, and the "post-90s" Taiwanese girl Chen Xiaoting is busy.

  "The staff of the Taiwan Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Service Center in Fuzhou went into the workplace of the Taiwanese Youth to express condolences to the Taiwanese compatriots who stayed in Rong during the New Year, understand their needs, and provide policy guidance. It felt very warm." In the reception room of cross-strait employees (Fuzhou), Chen Xiaoting said China News Network reporter said.

  More than 20 years ago, Chen Xiaoting's parents came to Fuzhou to start a business. After she completed her studies in Malaysia in 2015, she decided to visit mainland China, an emerging market with "potential", and start a "new journey" in mainland China.

  Coming from Taipei, Chen Xiaoting first worked in the family business and then moved to other cities. In the past few years, she has traveled to Fujian, Guangdong, Henan and other provinces. After going round and round, she finally returned to Fuzhou and chose to start a self-media business.

  In Chen Xiaoting's view, Fuzhou is a city that blends ancient and modern times, and the life here is filled with the agility and charm of this city.

  "Here, you can feel like home." Chen Xiaoting said frankly that after traveling around the mainland, she feels that Fuzhou is more suitable to take root and settle down. Both cultural customs and food are very close to Taiwan.

In October 2023, Chen Xiaoting, a young Taiwanese entrepreneur who started a business in Fuzhou, brought her own cultural and creative IP-the pet dog "Old Master" to the cross-strait employee (Fuzhou) reception room. Photo by China News Network reporter Lu Ming

  "There is a lot of flexibility in mainland China, whether it is employment or entrepreneurship. There are many opportunities and possibilities, and there is good room for growth." Chen Xiaoting said.

  In 2023, Chen Xiaoting opened the self-media account "One Person and One Dog Traveling in Fuzhou" to share Fuzhou's profound cultural heritage and every detail of life in the mainland from the perspective of Taiwanese youth, building a bridge of communication between young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. She brought her own cultural and creative IP, the pet dog "Old Master", to the living room of employees from both sides of the Taiwan Strait (Fuzhou). She added color to the living room of employees from both sides of the Taiwan Strait (Fuzhou) with water cups, pillows and other cultural and creative products full of cross-strait elements. .

  Chen Xiaoting also co-organized the cross-strait circle of friends community salon event with her friends. She said that through the sharing model of online live broadcasts and offline salons, we will create a platform for Taiwan compatriots and local residents to interact and integrate, and share diverse topics such as online operations, health management, and parent-child education.

  Not only that, Chen Xiaoting also walked around the alleys of Fuzhou, visiting inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, and used videos to introduce production techniques such as cork paintings and jasmine tea.

  “I’m very happy that more people can see the vitality and charm of Fuzhou.” Chen Xiaoting uses her new media account as a window to showcase the mainland. Through her videos, many Taiwanese youth have joined the ranks of the mainland’s “Shou Lai”.

On January 19, 2024, Chen Xiaoting led the children to pick up fallen leaves and perform environmentally friendly crafts. Photo by China News Network reporter Lu Ming

  In her spare time, Chen Xiaoting participates in environmental protection volunteer services. She combines environmental protection and intangible cultural heritage, applying some recyclable environmentally friendly materials to traditional intangible cultural heritage crafts; combined with Tai Youth Cultural and Creative Design, she creates an exclusive IP image to make environmental issues more life-like and bring closer the links between compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. .

  "In Taiwan, many environmental protection promotions go to schools and communities to spread environmental protection concepts through entertaining and learning while playing." In Fuzhou, Chen Xiaoting applies recyclable environmental protection materials to the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage , carry out environmental protection activities.

On January 22, 2024, at the second session of the 13th Fujian Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Taiwanese youth Chen Xiaoting spoke at the group meeting as a non-voting participant. Photo by China News Network reporter Lu Ming

  At the second session of the 13th Fujian Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held in Fuzhou a few days ago, Chen Xiaoting spoke enthusiastically as a participant. She proposed to rely on relevant policies and measures to benefit Taiwan, spread welfare culture, environmental protection and Internet marketing through new media, and use the power of the Internet to break the bottleneck of cross-strait exchanges and allow more Taiwanese youth to see the real mainland.

  "In the future, I will continue to take root and build my dreams like a banyan tree in the Fuzhou State." Chen Xiaoting said that changes in the mainland are changing with each passing day, and she encouraged Taiwanese youth to "come and take a look." (over)