Efe Valencia


Updated Saturday, January 27, 2024-18:43

The head of the Court of Instruction 3, acting as guard, has decreed the entry into provisional prison, communicated and without bail, of the young man detained for the


of the canon emeritus of the cathedral of Valencia, the Superior Court of Justice of the Community has reported. Valenciana in a statement.

The detainee is being investigated in an

open case

, initially and without prejudice to further qualification, for a crime of homicide and another of fraud. The judge on duty has agreed to recuse himself from the proceedings in favor of the Investigative Court 19, competent to continue the investigation, the same sources have indicated.

To know more


The man arrested for the death of the canon of Valencia took his cell phone and cards and visited his house frequently

  • Editorial: INMA LIDÓN Valencia

The man arrested for the death of the canon of Valencia took his cell phone and cards and visited his house frequently

Both the Public Prosecutor's Office and the private prosecution, carried out by the Archbishopric, have requested entry into prison "due to the seriousness of the facts, the evidence that appears in the proceedings and the risk of escape, given the irregular situation of the detainee." as reported by the Public Ministry.

The lifeless body of the 80-year-old priest was found on Tuesday morning with

signs of violence

in his home on Avellanas Street, in the historic center of Valencia and very close to the cathedral, while the arrest of the suspect took place. place this Wednesday afternoon.