Arcadi Sword

Yaiza Santos

Updated Saturday, January 27, 2024-00:09

Why argue, if your friend Eduardo Mendoza has said that the amnesty does not seem like such a big scandal to him! It is common for politicians to ignore the substance of the Process, but intellectuals should be more careful: the moral problem of all that was that a government urged some citizens to rise up against other citizens, that worm crawling.

It is natural that a private company like

El País

, no matter how social democratic it may be, fires whoever it wants. He even censors, and he himself has several examples of this. But don't talk about disloyalty. Firing Fernando Savater is an act of censorship.

Read that Alabama is going to apply the death penalty to a Smith who failed the lethal injection last year. One atrocity upon another, and only for it would he deserve forgiveness: How are you going to kill a man twice, because the first time you didn't find the vein?

A country like the United States does not deserve to have the death penalty, any more than it deserves Trump. Trump's voters look like Sánchez's: now they know who Trump is.

He recommended Sophie Coignard's new book against Michael J. Sandel's and regretted having missed Mayte Martín's concert in Madrid.

And so it was that Espada yiró


- Fernando Savater:

Governed flesh

- Sophie Coignard:

The tyranny of mediocrity. Why we should save merit

- Stephen King:

As I write