According to the Rzeczpospolit observer, according to statistics, it was Ukrainians who most often committed crimes among foreigners.

“There are 2.5 million Ukrainian citizens in Poland. Perhaps they drink more and more often and do not pay attention to the state in which they get behind the wheel. Perhaps this is due to various problems, including cultural ones,” she noted.

Traffic expert Wojciech Paszczny shares a similar opinion. He added that some visitors “feel with impunity.”

In November 2023, the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance, Sergei Marchenko, threatened Europe with migrants, as well as with rising prices in the event of an economic crisis in Ukraine.

In September, Vladimir Zelensky threatened the EU with Ukrainian refugees if assistance was reduced.

He noted that so far Ukrainians in the European Union have “behaved well” and overall they are “very grateful” to the countries that have accepted them, but Europe should be careful not to push “these people into a corner.”