Europa Press Madrid


Updated Saturday, January 27, 2024-13:54

  • Politics The PP conditions the success of Reynders's intermediation on a law that depoliticizes Justice

  • PP Feijóo throws its 3,361 mayors into the streets against the amnesty: "You have the duty to react"

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has called on "all Spaniards" to the "unmissable event" this Sunday in the Plaza de España where the PP will gather against the amnesty and the president's "cessions" of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and ensure that the start of the "path of equality" of the

popular ones

that will reach "to the last corner" of the country "resonates".

He made this request after the

Mayors' Committee of the PP of Madrid

, where they signed a manifesto against these decisions by the president of the country. "We mayors have to lead the mobilization and I thank the PP for putting us on the front line," added the mayor of the capital.

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and the regional presidents of the party will return to the streets this Sunday to protest against the amnesty law and the "cessions" of Pedro Sánchez's Executive to the independentists. The former president of the Government José María Aznar will also join this concentration, as


sources have informed Europa Press


Under the motto

In defense of the equality of Spaniards

, Feijóo and his 'barons' seek to capitalize in the Plaza de España in Madrid - starting at 12:00 p.m. - on citizen "outrage" against a rule with which, according to the PP , Sánchez has "bought" the Presidency of the Government by "changing votes due to impunity" to a "caste" of Catalan politicians.

Almeida has presented this "equality route" that "was never thought to be done" as the way to bring a "message of future and hope" to all parts of the country. "We are in a decisive moment, we have more at stake than we ever thought we would have to put at risk," the councilor said.

In line, he has asked the first councilors that if the PSOE proposes that the amnesty is not an emergency for a local politician, they should respond by asking their neighbors if it is "urgent to have the same rights and be equal" as those of


or if They are "concerned about what is happening in Spain" or that there will be "amnestied terrorists."

"Madrid is the territory in Europe most affected by terrorism. We have to raise our voices and say that there is no 'light' terrorism and no hard terrorism. Those of us who have suffered it and are aware of the immense pain know that all terrorism is a serious violation of Human Rights", launched Almeida, who concluded his speech by calling on the people of Madrid to join the "route for equality".

Before the intervention of the first mayor of the capital, the president of the Federation of Municipalities of Madrid and councilor of Alcalá de Henares, Judith Piquet

, took the floor and

read the Manifesto of mayors of the PP for the Equality of all Spanish people.

In it, the central Executive is accused of not placing the general interest above all but rather the "demands with which the separatist formations are extorting it." They also show their "deep concern about institutional degradation" in the country due to the granting of "prerogatives to a few citizens" causing the rest to be "discriminated against."

"We are categorically opposed to the extortion of the independence movement ultimately determining the decisions adopted by the central Executive (...) The equality of Spaniards before the law cannot be a bargaining chip to protect the presidency of Pedro Sánchez. We express our absolute rejection of the amnesty law because it is unjust and immoral," the text states.