Operators of attack FPV drones from a company of unmanned aerial vehicles of the combined arms army of the West military group destroyed a Swedish-made CV-90 infantry fighting vehicle in the Kupyansk direction, the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

It is noted that in order to carry out the combat mission, drone operators from the rear area secretly made a forced march closer to the front line. Before this, intelligence officers received information about the build-up of enemy forces.

“After receiving the command, the drone operators destroyed the detected Swedish-made CV-90 infantry fighting vehicle and an armored combat vehicle of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. As a result, all goals were achieved and the group returned to its temporary deployment point without losses,” the message says.

Along with this, military personnel of the artillery battalion of the 6th Combined Arms Army of the Western Group launched a massive attack from BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket systems on the infantry of the Ukrainian troops located in a fortified strong point.

Objective control footage obtained from the UAV in real time allowed us to verify that the target was destroyed.

In addition, the artillerymen of the West group of troops, using 152-mm 2S5 Giatsint-S self-propelled guns, destroyed a mortar crew and camouflaged positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces unit.

“Our main task is counter-battery warfare and the destruction of artillery, fortified areas, and dugouts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. From reconnaissance we received the coordinates of the enemy mortar crew. We moved to the firing position. The mortar crew worked with a high-explosive fragmentation shell. The crew was destroyed. The gun was rolled up and left the firing position,” said the commander of an artillery platoon with the call sign Omsk.

Also in the Kupyansk direction, military personnel of the 1st Guards Tank Army of the West group of troops deployed a modern autonomous fuel depot. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation noted that in the context of constant attempts by the enemy to influence fuel depots and service facilities, it is necessary not only to organize and covertly transport fuel, but also to ensure its safety and accumulation, to provide protection from the impact of attack UAVs, reconnaissance equipment, and DRGs.

“All field warehouses of the group are autonomous and deployed taking into account the dispersal of supplies and ensuring their protection,” said the head of the fuel service of the West group of troops with the call sign Bochka.

Also on russian.rt.com The production of unmanned boats was hit: the Russian Armed Forces carried out 13 group strikes on Ukrainian military-industrial complex facilities

Donetsk direction

In the Donetsk direction, attack aircraft crews on Su-25 aircraft carried out a strike with unguided aircraft missiles on strongholds and personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

All of these targets were successfully hit, according to the report of the forward air gunner.

“After receiving the mission, we took off and entered the target area. Delivering a strike with unguided aircraft missiles from a pitched position against a concentration of enemy manpower. Afterwards we performed anti-missile maneuvers, returned to the airfield, and landed. According to reports from the ground by the forward air gunner, the targets were hit,” said the Su-25 pilot with the call sign Traktor.

Kherson region

Deep reconnaissance groups discovered new positions of Ukrainian troops in the area of ​​the city of Kherson. After this, the command decided to defeat the Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel with tank gun fire.

The enemy was inflicted fire damage by tank crews of the Southern Military District on modernized T-62M tanks equipped with new thermal imaging sights, guidance systems and protective equipment.

Adjusted fire was fired at the enemy from a distance of about 3 km.

As a result of the destruction of the Ukrainian Armed Forces stronghold on the right bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region, enemy losses amounted to up to 15 military personnel killed and wounded.