The worst of the storm must have passed, and according to the County Administrative Board, the forecast is that the water level will continue to rise in some places, and sink away in others.

- In Lake Vombsjön and Kävlingeån the water level is decreasing and will continue to decrease in the future. In Ringsjön, it will rise at least one decimeter in the next few weeks, says Lars Persson, co-operation manager at the Skåne County Administrative Board.

It does not affect any socially important activities, he believes, but more residents around Ringsjön may be affected by the floods.

What should individuals do?

- They can herd themselves in, he says. The municipality cannot put a lot of resources into protecting individual houses, but it is each person's responsibility to protect their house.

Can sink away in Kävlinge

Sydvatten, which regulates the water levels in Ringsjön and Vombsjön, will reduce the discharge from Vombsjön. That is the opinion of the county administrative board, which coordinates the authorities. Then the water flow in the Kävlingeån will decrease.

This means that things at least in Kävlinge look brighter.

- We have passed the peak, says Lina Rosenstråle, head of urban planning in Kävlinge municipality.

- In the overall picture, it should hopefully mean that there will be no more water. Either it stays where it is or it sinks away.