Natalia Puga

Updated Saturday, January 27, 2024-02:10

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  • Careers Eva Cárdenas, wife of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, closes 2023 with a professional change

The first vice president of the Government and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, said of him, at a PSOE event in A Coruña: "This man that you have sent to Madrid (..),

the one with the glasses (..), the who has less hair, Miguel Tellado"

. And immediately, his baldness went viral. He

did nothing to achieve this, nor


silence it, as he did not hesitate to respond, through the social network

..." and, the next day, at a PP event in Ourense, "what worries him

is not that I don't have hair on my head,

what worries him is that I don't mince words."

It happened last weekend and, with two sentences, its protagonist managed to turn the situation around and profit from it. He is Miguel Tellado,

current spokesperson for the PP in Congress

and, as he demonstrated with this anecdote that this week ended with the socialist apologizing, pure political intelligence. There are those who say of him that he is, at this stage, the guardian of the essence of the party led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo and who, during his time in Galicia,

baptized him as his 'political escort'

. But, who is this politician who from the

Lower House has it become the main scourge of the left and nationalism?

While on a professional level his projection continues to grow, on a personal level he sticks to a low profile and maximum discretion. Since the beginning of his career,

he has maintained total discretion over his private life

, he has never mixed his personal life with party events and he has always protected his people from any public exposure.

Born in Ferrol in 1974, there he married a journalist from the same city

, with more than 20 years of work experience in media, political communication and, currently, in a consultancy.

And together they had two children, ages 15 and 20.

Although his professional life is currently in Madrid, he returns to his homeland every weekend and remains close to the children.

Miguel Tellado during a rally of the Popular Party of GaliciaEFE

With a belligerent personality, his interventions stand out for his

constant search for provocation

, but this bellicosity contrasts with one of the most unknown traits of Miguel Tellado.

"Although he may not seem like it, he is very communicative,"

his collaborators highlight. He argues, he likes controversy and he faces it willing to listen to others. His sense of humor is not well known either.

Very serious

about all party issues, when you least expect it,

he surprises you with a sly joke.

His biography draws attention to his political origins, the opposite of his current position. During his time as a university student in Santiago de Compostela, studying Political Science, he came into contact with

student union life

, very close to the University Student Movement (MEU), a split from the CAF, with

nationalist and leftist ideology

. He was an active activist and, after finishing his career, he remained within this ideological spectrum, always in moderation.

Once graduated, he returned to his hometown and

made his first professional steps

in the world of journalism, collaborating with local media. In those early years he became involved with

the local radio station Radio Fene,

a town in the Ría de Ferrol where the leader of Sumar, Yolanda Diaz, was born and where the BNG governed. However, this

flirtation with the left and journalism did not take long to take a turn


The minister and first vice president María Jesús MonteroEFE

The turning point was his signing as press chief of the PP in the Ferrol City Council, as he became an

advisor to the 'popular' councilor Juan Juncal

, he tried his hand as a political strategist and in 2003 they won the Mayor's Office. Press chief of the PP in the Provincial Council of A Coruña and then chief of staff of the Ministry of Labor,

he decided to leave plumbing

for the political front line

and in 2012 he entered the Parliament of Galicia as a deputy.

With the help of Feijóo,

he became general secretary of the Galician PP

while his dialectical disputes with the opposition grew and in the Chamber he starred in great moments that

already advanced his current projection.

Especially notable was his clash with the historic



He ended up in expulsion and suspension.

Although in Galicia it has been known for years that he is a key player in

Feijóo's absolute majorities

, he did not land in state politics until 2022. His loyalty moved him to Madrid and

he became deputy general secretary

of the party and a senator and now deputy, allowing his promotion as spokesperson in Congress and that, through ingenuity, verbal aggressiveness and strategy, he does not stop grabbing headlines. It will be difficult to forget his opinion that Pedro Sánchez would have to "leave this country in a trunk."