She is currently out of the race. The Supreme Court of Venezuela, often accused of being at the orders of those in power, confirmed on Friday January 26 the ineligibility of Maria Corina Machado, who had won hands down the Venezuelan opposition primary for the 2024 presidential election.

Aged 56, Marina Corina Machado "is disqualified for fifteen years", writes the Court, deeming the candidate's request "null" due to her ineligibility, caused by the commission of administrative irregularities and her betrayal after having supported the American sanctions against the government of Nicolas Maduro. The opposition has always refused these sanctions, believing that Marina Corina Machado was innocent.

President Nicolas Maduro is taking the “worst path” towards “fraudulent elections”, reacted the opponent. “This will not happen. Let no one doubt it, we will go through to the end,” she said on the X network. “The regime has decided to terminate the Barbados agreement. This which is NOT over, is our struggle to win democracy through free and fair elections,” she added.

The regime decided to accept the Acuerdo de Barbados.

That NO is our aim for the conquest of democracy through free and clean elections.

Maduro and his criminal system escogieron el peor camino para ellos: unas elecciones fraudulentas. Eso no going to…

— María Corina Machado (@MariaCorinaYA) January 26, 2024

The Venezuelan government has often used the stratagem of ineligibility to exclude potential rivals, both at the national and local level. The lifting of the ineligibility of opponents is one of the main sticking points in the negotiations between power and opposition. The agreement signed in Barbados in October 2023 opened the possibility for those “aspiring to run” in the 2024 presidential election to challenge their ineligibility. Marina Corina Machado had submitted an appeal in this context.

The Supreme Court's decision was eagerly awaited. The opposition – which boycotted the 2018 presidential election – and the United States had made lifting the ineligibility of opponents one of their main priorities. Washington has not yet reacted to this decision.

Many observers believe that Marina Corina Machado, a liberal renowned for her combativeness, may be able to rally behind her an opposition often divided in the past against Nicolas Maduro, who will seek a third presidential term.

The Barbados agreements, “wounded to death”

The Barbados agreement also provided that the presidential election would be held in the second half of 2024 with the presence of international observers. The United States announced a six-month relaxation of its sanctions following these agreements. 

Unlucky candidate in 2012 against former president Hugo Chavez (died in 2013), then against current president Nicolas Maduro in 2013, opponent Henrique Capriles – who had given up participating in the opposition primaries –, he also had his ineligibility confirmed for fifteen years, due to alleged administrative irregularities when he was governor of Miranda State.

"What they will never be able to disqualify is the aspiration for change of the Venezuelan people. The dream of having a country where the Constitution and the laws are equal and respected by all. Where the government takes care of ensure the well-being and quality of life of the population [...]. 2024 must be the year of the Venezuelan people", reacted Henrique Capriles on X.

Whatever may disable is the feeling of cambio of the Venezuelans. The reason for holding a country whose Constitution and its eyes are equal and respected by all. Donde el Gobierno takes care of the well-being and quality of life for people. Donde llegar a viejo sea un…

— Henrique Capriles R. (@hcapriles) January 26, 2024

Accused of administrative irregularities, Marina Corina Machado was declared ineligible for a period of one year in 2015 for having participated as “alternate ambassador” of Panama in a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS). Panama had invited her to allow her to denounce the alleged violations of human rights during the demonstrations demanding the departure of Nicolas Maduro. The repression left around forty dead.

Marina Corina Machado saw the duration of her ineligibility extended to fifteen years in June 2023 for having “requested the application of American sanctions”. She has always assured that she was never officially informed of this measure. 

Despite her ineligibility, she received more than two million votes (92% of the vote) during the opposition primaries in October.

On Thursday, President Maduro said that the Barbados agreements were "mortally wounded" after the authorities announced in recent days that they had foiled plots to assassinate him. 

For his part, the President of Parliament, Jorge Rodriguez, also head of the delegation of power during the negotiations with the opposition, had downplayed the importance of these Barbados agreements: "With or without sanctions, with or without opposition, with or without international observers [...] in 2024, there will be presidential elections because that is what the constitution provides."

He also hinted at the court decision concerning Marina Corina Machado: "It is out of the question that this woman is a candidate in any election whatsoever."

With AFP

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