U.S. White House National Security Advisor Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held their first meeting in Thailand since Taiwan's presidential election in January.

A senior Biden administration official has indicated that the two leaders will likely hold a telephone conversation this spring in order to maintain communication.

The US White House announced that National Security Advisor Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, on the 26th and 27th.

A senior Biden administration official told reporters that the meeting lasted more than 12 hours in total, and that ``both sides confirmed that they will maintain strategic communication.'' It is expected that a telephone conversation will be held by the president of the country.

It has also been confirmed that the government will hold a dialogue in the spring to discuss responses to risks posed by AI.

This was the first meeting between the two sides since Taiwan's presidential election held on January 13th, and the situation in Taiwan was also discussed, with Sullivan stating that he has been aware of China's position that ``Taiwan is part of China.'' He reiterated that there is no change in U.S. policy and that he hopes for a peaceful resolution to the Taiwan Strait issue.

Meanwhile, according to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Minister Wang said, ``The biggest challenge in China-US relations is ``Taiwan independence,'' and called on the United States to support China's peaceful reunification.

US official: ``China will play a constructive role in the Middle East situation''

The situation in the Middle East was also discussed during the meeting between U.S. National Security Advisor Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

A senior Biden administration official said Sullivan would urge China to stop Iran from supporting Yemen's Houthi rebels, who have repeatedly attacked ships in the Red Sea. I think I asked for it.

The official said, ``I hope China will play a constructive role,'' and will continue to monitor the situation.