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CDU politician Bommert: “My behavior caused damage to politics and the party”

Photo: Soeren Stache / dpa

The Brandenburg CDU politician Frank Bommert was reprimanded by his party because of a WhatsApp post. In a status report, the 62-year-old indirectly gave the impression that he wanted members of the federal government to die. Bommert initially claimed that he did not write the post himself. On Friday evening he admitted that he had lied and removed the status himself.

The CDU executive board, which met on Friday evening, reprimanded Bommert because he had violated the party's principles. According to the statutes, such a reprimand is a disciplinary measure, but it does not involve removal from party office or other penalties.

Bommert, who is also deputy chairman of the CDU state parliamentary group in Brandenburg, apologized for the content of the post and for not telling the truth. A few days ago he had already posted that God had called his favorite rock star Tina Turner, his favorite skier Rosi Mittermaier and his favorite footballer Franz Beckenbauer - and continued: "My favorite politicians are Robert Habeck, Annalena Baerbock and Ricarda Lang. Oh and Olaf Scholz.” RBB first reported on the case on Wednesday. 

“Missed the moment when I should have told the truth”

Bommert now explained that the publication was a mistake that he very much regretted. The content of the WhatsApp post crossed a line and was inappropriate. »My behavior caused damage to politics and the party. I apologize to everyone for this.”

He initially claimed that someone else had access to his account and was making a joke. »I am aware that I missed the moment when I should have told the truth. “I’m very sorry,” said Bommert.

The party's reprimand against Bommert refers both to the post itself and to his lie. "The board punished both violations and therefore issued not just a warning, but a further reprimand," the CDU said on Saturday when asked. »The principles of the CDU include preserving the free, democratic basic order. This requires appropriate dealings with political competitors. Frank Bommert's tasteless post blatantly violated this. The same applies to truthfulness internally and externally," said the CDU.

Bommert used the meeting of the Brandenburg CDU presidium to clear the air, it was said on Friday evening.
