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This is not the first time that China is demonstrating its readiness for war in front of Taiwan: This photo of fighter aircraft is from the summer of 2022

Photo: Li Bingyu / XinHua / dpa

China apparently sent more than 30 fighter jets near the neighboring island of Taiwan in one day - more than ever since the parliamentary and presidential elections in Taiwan on January 13th. The Ministry of Defense in Taipei announced that 33 aircraft from the Chinese People's Liberation Army and six naval ships were spotted.

The People's Liberation Army has planes flying to Taiwan almost every day. According to the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense, 13 aircraft now flew over the unofficial median line in the strait between China and Taiwan - the Taiwan Strait.

China is training for war readiness

China counts the island with its more than 23 million inhabitants as part of its territory, although an independent, democratically elected government has been in power there for decades. According to official statements, the Communist Party wants a "peaceful reunification" of Taiwan with the mainland, but does not rule out the use of military means.

A few days ago, China's Defense Ministry confirmed that the army had organized sea and air exercises around Taiwan. The People's Liberation Army continued its preparations for war readiness, spokesman Wu Qian said.

The number of Chinese fighter jets near Taiwan had recently increased, parallel to the visit of a US delegation to the country. The two congressmen Ami Bera (Democrat) and Mario Díaz-Balart (Republican) concluded their visit on Friday. In talks with Taiwan's government, they assured the island of support from the United States. The US promised to help Taiwan defend itself.
