Virginie Girod SEASON 2023 - 2024 12:12 p.m., January 27, 2024

In the Middle Ages, Jewish populations were increasingly stigmatized in European societies, which were gradually becoming Christianized. To better understand the relationships between Jews, Christians and Muslims at this time, Virginie Girod speaks with Sylvie-Anne Goldberg, historian and director of studies at EHESS in the second episode of our special series devoted to the origins of anti-Semitism. 

The Jewish presence in the medieval West may have been a puzzle in articulating Jewish communities to societies that were consolidated around the unity of Christianity. The relative tolerance towards Judaism is explained "because Christianity considered, according to what Saint Augustine had written, that the Jews had to be preserved: they were authentic witnesses to the truth of Christianity" underlines Sylvie-Anne Goldberg.  

However, Christianity does not show itself benevolent towards the “witness people”. “We have anti-Jewish sources which begin very early, as soon as the Fathers of the Church begin to write texts. A Christian must define himself essentially by the fact that he is not Jewish,” recalls the historian. And as the power of the Church strengthens, the situation of the Jews becomes more and more precarious.  

“There is a moment of change which follows the call to the crusade”, of which the Jews will also be the victims, “since they were considered the outposts of the infidels in Palestine” continues Sylvie-Anne Goldberg. 

“The stronger the Church becomes in the authorities of the royal powers, the more the place of the Jews is compromised within these societies,” summarizes the historian. The monarchies, which have become “absolutely Christian”, relay the instructions of the Vatican. Thus, after the Lateran Council in 1215, discriminatory measures against the Jews multiplied. Accused of committing ritual crimes, caricatured, they are forced to wear the rouelle, a colored fabric in order to easily distinguish them. Access to certain professions is also restricted. A logical consequence of ostracization, Jews were victims of mass expulsions in order to eradicate their presence and encourage conversions.  

Themes covered: anti-Judaism, persecution, Christianity, crusade 

“At the heart of history” is a Europe 1 Studio podcast

- Presentation: Virginie Girod 

- Production: Camille Bichler and Nathan Laporte

- Director: Julien Tharaud

- Composition of the original music: Julien Tharaud 

- Writing and Distribution: Nathan Laporte

- Communication: Marie Corpet

- Visual: Sidonie Mangin

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