Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: ALEXEY DANICHEV / POOL / AFP 5:43 p.m., January 26, 2024

This Friday, two days after the crash of a military transport plane, Vladimir Putin claimed that the plane was shot down by Ukrainian forces. The Russian president also assures that Ukraine knew that the plane was transporting Ukrainian prisoners. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin assured Friday that an Il-76 military transport plane that crashed Wednesday in the border area had been shot down by Ukrainian forces and that they knew it was transporting, as claimed Moscow, Ukrainian prisoners

On Wednesday, an Il-76 transport plane crashed near the Russian village of Yablonovo, 45 kilometers from the border with Ukraine, killing all 74 occupants, according to Russian authorities. "The intelligence services of the Ukrainian army knew that we were carrying 65 soldiers (Ukrainian, editor's note) on board. They shot him down, by mistake or on purpose, but they did it," said Vladimir Putin.

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