- They had to increase the withdrawal for Lake Vombsjön in order not to have a dam break there. That is why there has been an unexpected amount of water, says Frida Sjöstedt, acting director of preparedness at the county administration in Skåne, to TT.

Snowmelt and precipitation have caused the flows to rise sharply. In its red warning for Kävlingeån, SHMI warns of "extremely high current speeds". An orange warning prevails for flooding from Lake Vombsjön and downstream of the river towards Kävlinge.

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In the video above you can see the high water flows in Kävlinge. Photo: SVT

“A lot of rainfall”

The County Administrative Board holds meetings with the municipalities concerned on Friday. This also applies to Hörbyån, which has been severely affected by high water flows in recent days.

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Photo: Johan Dernelius/SVT

More rain is also expected during Friday over southern and southwestern Götaland, says Marie Staerk, a meteorologist at SMHI. It may be rain amounts of between 15 and 30 millimeters locally.

- Then there will be a stabilization of the weather from Saturday, then we don't expect any precipitation until Wednesday-Thursday next week. But the weather trend is uncertain.