Alexandre Dalifard 2:54 p.m., January 26, 2024

Last June, he was nicknamed the “backpack hero” after having scared away the attacker from Annecy, who had attacked children in a park. This Friday, Henri is the guest of “Pascal Praud et vous” and on the microphone of Europe 1, he looks back on this day which changed his life. Listen to the excerpt again. You can react at

On June 8, his life changed. In Annecy, Henri, "the hero with the backpack", witnessed a tragedy before intervening. There, the young Catholic faced an assailant determined to attack children in a park, knife in hand. With caution, Henri managed to push the attacker away. An act of bravery captured by amateur videos. This gesture earned him the distinction of the Legion of Honor on July 14. But, this Friday, at the microphone of Pascal Praud and you, the Catholic recognizes having been overwhelmed during this event.

“To tell the truth, I understood that what happened in Annecy on June 8 was beyond me. There was perhaps something very symbolic for everyone across France "That's the message I wanted to convey to people right after, a message of beauty and grandeur. That's what touched people," he admits.