There are major shortcomings at the air flotilla in Uppsala, the Defense Security Inspectorate states in a new report, which UNT was the first to report on.

SVT Uppsala has read the report, where it is written that the deviations found are "disturbing" and in some cases "serious". Some of the shortcomings are judged to be so serious that they need to be raised to the management of the Air Force.

It's about everything from a poor working environment - where staff have to buy their own equipment and don't get clean water - to dangerous goods that have been mislabelled.

Missing security personnel

Security personnel have been missing in several businesses, including dangerous goods and traffic safety. They have not been in place since the re-inauguration of F16 in 2021.

The positions are important – they are responsible for ensuring that safety routines are followed in daily operations.

- We have been obliged to have a traffic safety manager and we have not had that, but only instructors. We assess that this has not affected safety. But these are things we have to take care of here and now and also in the longer term, says Pernille Undén, director of the aviation foothold and continues:

- When it comes to labeling dangerous goods, it is clear that it must be in place.

But you are obliged to have such staff - have you been aware of the shortcomings?


We have been aware that it has been missing. We have now recruited new staff so that has been fixed.

After the criticism – new review

Should nearby residents feel a concern due to the lack of security work?


No, this does not affect the public, says Pernille Undén.

The safety inspection has also found other deficiencies in operational safety, extreme weather, roadworthiness, electrical safety and fire protection.

The Defense Safety Inspectorate will carry out a new review of the F16 within a year.