China News Service, January 26 (Xinhua) The State Council Information Office held a press conference on the 26th to introduce the progress of the comprehensive reform pilot project in Pudong New Area. Li Chunlin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, introduced at the meeting that to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments and Shanghai Municipality and Pudong New Area, studied and drafted the "Pudong New Area Comprehensive Reform Pilot Implementation Plan (2023-2027)" )", which will be officially released in the near future. The main content of the "Implementation Plan" can be summarized as "an overall requirement, five working principles, two-phase goals and five important measures."

  An overall requirement is to be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, focus on solving practical problems in reform, opening up, and socialist modernization in the new era, and promote deeper reforms and higher-level opening up. , taking the lead in improving all aspects of systems and mechanisms.

  The five working principles include: persisting in emancipating the mind and being honest and innovative; persisting in open cooperation and pioneering trials; persisting in the system concept and collaborative and efficient; persisting in co-construction and sharing and meticulous governance; persisting in complying with laws and regulations and keeping the bottom line. It is necessary to target the key areas in Pudong New Area that have reform scenarios and have the conditions to take the lead in breakthroughs, launch more substantive measures, explore paths and accumulate experience for deepening reform and opening up.

  The two-stage goals are: first, by the end of the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, institutional innovation will achieve important phased results, and a number of landmark reform results will be promoted on the surface. Second, by 2027, the pilot tasks will be basically completed, breakthrough progress will be made in institutional innovation, and an important demonstration and guidance will be provided for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

  Five important measures are taken. First, we will increase the opening up of rules and standards, improve the high-standard market rules system, enhance the global resource allocation function, and create an institutional openness demonstration window. The second is to improve the scientific and technological innovation system, optimize scientific and technological innovation management and collaborative innovation mechanisms, improve high-level intellectual property protection and application systems, and build an open innovation ecosystem. The third is to deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism, innovate the talent training and utilization mechanism, provide a good environment for all types of talents to live and work in peace and contentment, and accelerate the construction of a high-level talent highland. The fourth is to deepen the transformation of government functions, create a market-oriented, legal and international first-class business environment, and stimulate the vitality of various business entities. The fifth is to deepen the practice of people's city construction, innovate high-efficiency urban governance systems, and explore new ways to govern megacities.

  Li Chunlin said that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, fully support Pudong New Area in promoting comprehensive reform pilots, ensure the implementation of the "Implementation Plan", and strive to create more successful experiences that can be replicated and promoted.