Efe Pamplona


Updated Friday, January 26, 2024-19:51

  • Interview Javier Esparza: "The next screen of the pact with Bildu will be to put ETA prisoners on the street"

The president of Unión del Pueblo Navarro, Javier Esparza, announced this Friday that he will not continue leading the party after the Congress that will be held on

April 28

after more than eight years at the head of UPN.

This was announced during the Political Council that will decide the deadlines for the next Congress, where he expressed that

the current Directorate will not stand for re-election either.

"It is a thoughtful decision and one that we believe is the best. Life is cycles.

Eight years is a good number

for a position, projects can be carried out and contributions can be made," he said.

Esparza became President of the party in 2015 to replace

Yolanda Barcina

and has been a candidate for the Presidency of the Government of Navarra on three occasions, the last in May of last year. In September he already announced that he would not repeat as head of his party's list in the 2027 provincial elections, but it remained up in the air whether he would choose to continue leading his party, something that he has clarified this afternoon.

"I think about what is best for UPN. I said I would be there for 8 years, it is not always easy to be consistent. This time I am going to be consistent. The best thing is to face a new time,

UPN is the party with the most votes

," he noted during a speech of less than a quarter of an hour.

"Some have told me that I have the responsibility of finding someone of consensus.

I do not believe that

, UPN belongs to no one. UPN belongs to the affiliates. No one can believe that it is irreplaceable. This party belongs to everyone. I will say what I think consensus and unity are good, as is loyalty and support for the next Directorate," he added.

"That is what I am going to defend," he reiterated. Esparza, who will continue to lead the opposition in the Parliament of Navarra, has announced that

he will not give "any scare"

and that he will continue in politics "actively."

"I am going to continue helping what is my party. My knowledge will be at the service of UPN.

The new Management will have my respect

, and Javier Esparza will be at its service," he explained.

For the still president of UPN, the new Directorate will face "a very complex and very beautiful moment at the same time." "We have to learn to be patient, this socialism is not forever.

We will fight it with all our might

and nothing will make me happier than seeing UPN again at the head of the Government of Navarra."

Javier Esparza finished his speech by thanking "all the people" who have accompanied him during this stage and, visibly moved, he received

warm applause

from the Political Council of his party.