Salt Emergui Jerusalem


Updated Friday, January 26, 2024-18:09

Israel has been


with the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

not to demand the immediate cessation of its massive military offensive



by not dismissing the case opened after South Africa's accusation of

"genocidal intentions"

of its Army in the Gaza Strip.

The fundamentalist group


, for its part, has not hidden its

satisfaction with a step that "contributes to the isolation of Israel"

but above all because The Hague maintains a framework that it always dreamed of: Israel in the dock in a court. international.

War in Gaza

UN court demands Israel not commit genocide in Gaza

  • Editor: MARÍA G. ZORNOZA

UN court demands Israel not commit genocide in Gaza

The UN fires employees accused of participating in 7-O and the US suspends funding for UNRWA

  • Editorial: EFE Cairo (Egypt) | Washington

The UN fires employees accused of participating in 7-O and the US suspends funding for UNRWA

After recalling the attack by the "genocidal terrorist group Hamas" on October 7 that unleashed the bloody war, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared that "

Israel's commitment to international law is unbreakable

as is our sacred commitment to continue

defending our country

and our people."

"Like any country, Israel has the inherent right to defend itself. The vile attempt to deny Israel this fundamental right is blatant discrimination against the Jewish State and has been rightly rejected," he added, while condemning that the ICJ continues to try a case that can last for years: "The

accusation of genocide

leveled against Israel

is not only false but scandalous

and decent people everywhere should reject it."

"Israel fights against Hamas monsters who murdered, raped, beheaded and kidnapped our citizens," he concluded, while Defense Minister Yoav Gallant also criticized the Court for accepting South Africa's "anti-Semitic" request to deal with the genocide accusation. : "Those who seek justice will not find it in the leather chairs of the Hague courts; they will find it

in the Hamas tunnels in Gaza

, where

136 hostages are held

and where those who murdered our children are hiding."

In the afternoon, he thanked the US for temporarily suspending aid to UNRWA (UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees) due to the alleged participation of several of its Gazan employees in the 7-O attack, which has led to the opening of an investigation. of the organism.

"Taking into account the alternatives and the surreal denunciation of South Africa, it is not a bad decision for Israel but in any case

this whole process does a lot of damage to the country

," admit Israeli sources who also recognize the "irresponsibility" of some politicians whose incendiary actions Statements about Gaza after the 7-0 defeat appear in the Pretoria indictment.


Palestine welcomes the provisional measures

ordered by the ICJ against Israel. The judges analyzed the facts and the law and ruled in favor of humanity and international law," reacted the Foreign Ministry of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). ) that demanded Israel comply with the court's decisions.