In 2023, my country’s intellectual property power building index will steadily increase

All six sub-index scores achieved positive growth

  The recently released "Intellectual Property Power Building and Development Report (2023)" shows that my country's Intellectual Property Power Building Index has steadily improved, reaching 120.0 points in 2023, an average annual increase of 9.6% compared with the base period value in 2021. Six sub-index scores, including intellectual property system, protection, market operation, public services, humanistic and social environment, and participation in global intellectual property governance, all achieved positive growth.

  □ Our reporter Zhang Wei

  Building a world-class IP power with Chinese characteristics is a major strategic plan made by the Party Central Committee.

  In 2021, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Outline for Building a Strong Country on Intellectual Property (2021-2035)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Outline"), and the State Council issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for National Intellectual Property Protection and Application Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan" 》), clarifying the goals, tasks, measures and implementation blueprint for building an intellectual property power.

  Since the promulgation and implementation of the "Outline" and "Plan", all regions and departments have persisted in conscientiously implementing the arrangements of the "Outline" and "Plan", vigorously promoted the construction of an intellectual property power, continued to take solid steps, and achieved remarkable results.

  The "Intellectual Property Powerful Nation Building and Development Report (2023)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") recently released by the Office of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on the Construction of a National Intellectual Property Powerful Nation shows that the index of building a strong intellectual property nation in my country has steadily increased, reaching 120.0 points in 2023. , an average annual increase of 9.6% compared with the base period value in 2021. Six sub-index scores, including intellectual property system, protection, market operation, public services, humanistic and social environment, and participation in global intellectual property governance, all achieved positive growth.

  Technological innovation becomes a powerful engine for economic development

  Innovation is the first driving force for development, and the role of intellectual property as a strategic resource for national development and a core element of international competitiveness has become more prominent.

  A set of data recently released by the State Intellectual Property Office shows that as of the end of 2023, the number of effective invention patents in my country was 4.991 million. Among them, the effective number of domestic (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) invention patents is 4.015 million. my country has 11.8 high-value invention patents per 10,000 people. There were 4.383 million registered trademarks throughout the year. Received 6,196 applications for Madrid trademark international registration from Chinese applicants. The registered amount of patent and trademark pledge financing throughout the year was 853.99 billion yuan, benefiting 37,000 companies.

  Among them, the data on patents are particularly dazzling. What is the concept of the above “4.015 million items”? According to Hu Wenhui, deputy director of the State Intellectual Property Office, this number increased by 22.4% year-on-year, making my country the first country in the world with the number of valid domestic invention patents exceeding 4 million.

  It is worth noting that my country’s reserve of high-value invention patents has accelerated. It took about 31 years, 4 years and 2 years for the effective number of domestic invention patents in my country (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) to reach the first, second and third 1 million pieces respectively, while it only took one year to break through the 4th 1 million pieces. Year and a half. "Among the more than 4 million valid invention patents, high-value invention patents account for more than 40%. China has become a veritable intellectual property power and continues to contribute important forces to global innovation and development." Hu Wenhui said.

  Among domestic valid invention patents, enterprises account for more than 70%, becoming the main force in promoting innovation and creation. According to statistics, national high-tech enterprises and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises have 2.134 million valid invention patents, a year-on-year increase of 24.2%, accounting for nearly three-quarters of the total number of domestic enterprises, reaching 73.4%. Independent innovation has empowered the high-quality development of many technology-based enterprises.

  The leading role of innovation in key regions is also becoming prominent. The "Global Innovation Index 2023" report released by the World Intellectual Property Organization shows that the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou cluster, the Beijing cluster and the Shanghai-Suzhou cluster occupy three of the top five global technology clusters. Statistics from the State Intellectual Property Office show that as of the end of 2023, the effective number of invention patents in the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area were 1.308 million, 703,000, and 672,000 respectively, accounting for 65.6% of the domestic total. , a year-on-year increase of 21.1%, 21.0% and 23.2% respectively. Scientific and technological innovation has been deeply integrated into major national strategies such as the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, becoming a powerful engine for promoting industrial economic development.

Cultivate new consumption growth points of domestic “trendy products”

  The contribution of patents to economic growth can be supported by multiple statistical data.

  Take the relevant statistical data of patent-intensive industries as an example. Ge Shu, deputy director of the Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office and director of the Strategic Planning Department, said that in 2022, the added value of my country's patent-intensive industries will be 15.3 trillion yuan, accounting for 12.7% of the gross domestic product. "In the past five years, the scale of my country's patent-intensive industries has grown steadily. In 2022, the added value of the industry exceeded 15 trillion yuan for the first time, with an average annual growth rate of 9.4%, which is 2.4 percentage points higher than the average annual growth rate of GDP at current prices during the same period."

  Not only patents, but also trademarks have a very obvious driving effect on the economy. In 2023, the national trademark pledge financing amount will reach 176.91 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 63.5%, helping companies effectively alleviate financial problems in the process of brand development.

  The role of trademarks is also valued by the Central Economic Work Conference. The Central Economic Work Conference pointed out that it is necessary to actively cultivate new consumption growth points such as “trendy products” of domestic products. Domestic “trendy products” carry people’s yearning for a better life and also demonstrate their confidence in Chinese brands. More and more consumers are willing to pay for domestic products that adhere to independent innovation and national sentiments. A large number of "domestic products" such as Huawei and Haier have also gone abroad, actively integrated into the global market, and become well-known brands around the world.

  Hu Wenhui said that the development of "trendy products" of domestic products cannot be separated from the all-round support of intellectual property rights. In particular, it is necessary to make good use of the trademark system to strengthen brand protection and realize brand value. The State Intellectual Property Office has implemented the trademark and brand strategy in depth, vigorously promoted trademark and brand building, and helped cultivate new consumption growth points such as “trendy products” of domestic products.

  In terms of institutional support, the State Intellectual Property Office revised and promulgated the national standard "Enterprise Intellectual Property Compliance Management System Requirements" to help enterprises establish strong intellectual property management rules such as trademarks and brands, and effectively prevent and control risks. Continue to promote the revision process of the trademark law, strengthen the protection of legitimate prior rights of trademarks and brands and well-known trademarks, conscientiously provide guidance on foreign-related intellectual property disputes when domestic products go overseas, resolutely crack down on all kinds of behaviors that rely on famous brands, free rides, and hot topics, and boost the economy. Brand development confidence and business entities’ sense of gain.

  "The State Intellectual Property Office will thoroughly implement the requirements of the Central Economic Work Conference, continue to promote the implementation of the 'Thousands of Enterprises and Hundreds of Cities' trademark and brand value enhancement action, help form more influential national brands and internationally renowned brands, and create more domestic product trends. products', expand the scale of brand consumption, and actively cultivate new consumption growth points." Hu Wenhui said.

Accelerate the improvement of intellectual property laws and policy systems

  The above series of achievements confirm the "Report"'s evaluation of the development of my country's intellectual property power: "Overall, my country's comprehensive strength in intellectual property has steadily improved, and the development of China's intellectual property power has maintained a good momentum."

  However, the "Report" also pointed out that currently, the construction of an intellectual property power still faces a series of challenges. From a domestic perspective, the intellectual property system cannot fully meet the needs of comprehensive innovation. The contradiction between quantity and quality is still outstanding, and the protection effect is inconsistent with social expectations. There is still a certain gap, and the development foundation cannot fully meet the requirements for high-quality development of intellectual property rights; from an international perspective, the century-old changes are accelerating, the world economy is facing various risks and challenges, international competition for intellectual property rights is becoming increasingly fierce, and international rules for intellectual property rights are facing challenges from change , Chinese enterprises also face more intellectual property risks when "going out".

  In 2024, how to accelerate the construction of an intellectual property power and provide strong support for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country? Hu Wenhui said that based on the source protection of intellectual property rights, driven by transformation and application, and taking institutional reform as an opportunity, we will comprehensively strengthen the work chain of intellectual property creation, application, protection, management and service, and make greater efforts to strengthen international cooperation in intellectual property protection. Strive to create a new situation in the development of intellectual property rights and better serve the construction of a modern and powerful socialist country.

  The "Report" proposes to improve the intellectual property system, focus on supporting comprehensive innovation, accelerate the improvement of the intellectual property legal system, management system and policy system, and study and build intellectual property protection rules for new fields and new business formats. Deepen the reform in the field of intellectual property, promote the reform of the division of financial powers and expenditure responsibilities between central and local governments in the field of intellectual property, implement distribution policies oriented to increasing the value of knowledge, further promote innovation in intellectual property review models, and establish and improve coordination and linkage with national strategic scientific and technological forces mechanism. Improve the efficiency of intellectual property conversion and application, vigorously implement a three-year special action on patent conversion and application, promote the industrialization of a number of high-value patents, accelerate the development of intellectual property-intensive industries, and vigorously cultivate an innovative economy supported by patents and trademark-based The brand economy supported by geographical indications, the characteristic economy supported by geographical indications and the cultural industry supported by copyright.

  Strengthen the protection of the entire chain of intellectual property rights, continue to improve the quality and efficiency of intellectual property review, deepen the "three-in-one" reform of intellectual property adjudication, further promote the centralized and comprehensive performance of intellectual property procuratorial duties, severely crack down on various types of intellectual property infringement crimes, and improve cross-departmental and cross-departmental Regional law enforcement linkage and response mechanisms, continue to improve the diversified resolution mechanism for intellectual property disputes, and accelerate the improvement of the network of intellectual property protection centers.

  At the same time, we will promote the construction of the intellectual property public service system, continue to improve the public service system, improve the hierarchical and classified management mechanism, strengthen the construction of intellectual property informatization and intelligent infrastructure, and strengthen the digital support of public services. Consolidate the foundation for intellectual property development, deeply popularize intellectual property cultural concepts, improve the intellectual property talent evaluation system, strengthen the cultivation of high-level talents, compound talents, and international talents, and actively carry out the construction of intellectual property professional degrees. Deeply participate in the global governance of intellectual property, actively participate in improving the international rules of intellectual property under the multilateral framework, improve the international cooperation platform mechanism for intellectual property, and strengthen the construction of the foreign-related risk prevention and control system for intellectual property and the guidance mechanism for responding to overseas intellectual property disputes. (Legal Daily)