Mayalène Tremolet 8:00 a.m., January 26, 2024

24 hours after the decision of the Constitutional Council to censor nearly 40% of the immigration law, anger has not subsided on the French right. The proposals of the Republicans and the National Rally were rejected by the judges. LR and RN are now calling for a referendum on immigration.

An entire section of immigration law will ultimately not see the light of day. This Thursday, the Constitutional Council ruled on the bill validated by Parliament. The Sages decided to censor 32 articles, and to partially censor three others, or in total, almost 40% of the text. In detail, the tightening of family reunification criteria, the obligatory debate each year to establish migration quotas or even the deposit for foreign students, have been removed. Enough to provoke the ire of the Republicans and the National Rally. 

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“Revision of the Constitution”

From now on, for the right, only one solution is put forward to meet the expectations of the French in the face of "a legal coup d'état", in the words of Laurent Wauquiez: the referendum on the migration question. “It’s up to the French people to decide,” said the president of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region. A speech shared by François-Xavier Bellamy, head of the LR list in the European elections.

"Now, it remains to continue the battle. And this battle, necessarily, will involve a revision of the Constitution and a referendum so that we can get out of these legal blockages which prevent the French from expressing their will", assures the MEP in microphone from Europe 1. 

Refusal of Emmanuel Macron

Same story at the National Rally. For the RN deputy for the Somme, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, this censorship is timely proof of the Government's failure on the subject and the need to modify the Constitution. "Marine Le Pen, during the presidential election, said that to fight against migratory overwhelm, to take sufficient measures, a reform of the Constitution was necessary. The interpretation of the Constitutional Council, even if I respect it, no longer has nothing to do with the fundamentals of the Fifth Republic,” he concludes. 

The fact remains that the Head of State has already closed the door to the possibility of a referendum and that, therefore, before the end of Emmanuel Macron's five-year term, none of the solutions requested by the right should see the light of day.