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Federal Interior Minister Faeser: “We are looking closely at which circles are at work here.”

Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) wants to focus more on personal and financial connections in right-wing extremist circles in the fight against right-wing extremism. “It is a high priority for us to illuminate and uncover the personal and financial connections in right-wing extremist networks,” said the SPD politician to the “Editorial Network Germany” (RND).

According to Faeser, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution has significantly expanded its resources and capabilities for financial investigations over the last year and a half. "We are looking closely at which circles are at work here: from the 'Identitarian Movement' to the parties and associations on the right-wing fringe - and to entrepreneurs or private individuals who support them with their money," said the minister. "No one who donates to right-wing extremist organizations should rely on remaining undetected."

With a view to a meeting of radical right-wingers in Potsdam, Faeser said: "The fact that right-wing extremist networks want to expel people from Germany en masse because of their ethnic origin is an attack on human dignity and thus on the foundations of our society." It's about racist deportation fantasies, but at the same time it is also about collecting money in order to carry on the inhumane ideologies behind it.
