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After a week of protests, several dozen blockade points are still active throughout France. Farmers expect a lot from Gabriel Attal's announcements. This Friday, the Prime Minister is in Haute-Garonne on a cattle farm to present "a range of responses" to farmers' requests. 

Stop or still? The protest movement in the agricultural world has continued and intensified for several days, almost everywhere in France, leading to the fire of a Mutualité sociale et agricole building in Narbonne. Gabriel Attal went to a farm in Haute-Garonne. The Prime Minister must speak with around forty farmers, before announcing measures to respond to their anger and appease farmers determined to obtain concrete answers. 

10 administrative simplification measures 

At the government level, we will see what we can simplify with the aim of the bill on agricultural orientation. To prove it to you, today, I am deciding on 10 measures." In detail, he announced: the repeal of the 4-month deadline to 2 months for the creation of water retention structures, removing a level of jurisdiction in appeals, create a presumption of urgency for appeals of 10 months, drastically simplify what concerns cleanings, the French Biodiversity Office will be under the supervision of the prefect, single control for operators, no more than a passage of administrative control, passage of 14 to a regulation on hedges, the doubling of the emergency fund for Brittany. 

Cancellation of the increase in the tax on GNR 

“The truth obliges me to say that even if the reform of the GNR was accepted and negotiated by the majority union, we must be very clear and very sincere: it cannot work,” says Gabriel Attal. “First measure of simplification and common sense: we stop with this system. Now, to be clear: I am removing the increase in agricultural GNR.” “I am taking a measure: we are stopping with this system, and we are moving to exemption at the foot of the bill. By the summer, when you are delivered fuel, the deduction will be made immediately and the State will compensate”

Three “very heavy” sanctions against companies that do not respect the Egalim law  

The State "will put maximum pressure in commercial negotiations" and will "pronounce three very heavy sanctions against companies which do not respect Egalim". 

An acceleration of emergency aid 

"In emergency aid, there is 'emergency'. So on this, I am very clearly accelerating and I am announcing to you that we are accelerating fully for health and climate compensation, for payments from February", announces Gabriel Attal. “This concerns the MHE which affects livestock farms”. The Prime Minister announces an increase in the compensation rate to 90%. And also declares a “doubling of the emergency fund for Brittany”.

Simplification of the CAP

“Leaving Europe means depriving yourself of 9 billion euros per year. The height of ridicule, those who are proposing it to you, they vote for the rules of the CAP, but not its budget,” declares the Prime Minister. “The President will commit to the fallow derogation next week.” 

>> More information to follow