China News Service, Beijing, January 26th: China and France should appreciate each other’s culture like fine wine and fragrant tea.

  ——Exclusive interview with Wei Mingde, a French sinologist and professor at the School of Philosophy, Fudan University

  China News Service reporter Cui Xiangguang and Zhao Wengang

  On January 27, 2024, China and France celebrated the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. On January 27, 1964, China and France issued a joint communique, officially establishing diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level. France thus became the first major Western country to establish diplomatic relations with New China. In 2024, China and France have gone through an extraordinary journey together. Over the past 60 years, people-to-people exchanges between China and France have become more diverse and closer. From the perspective of mutual learning among civilizations and cultural exchanges, what is the significance of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France? How will the recent reciprocal visa policies between the two countries promote cultural exchanges between China and France?

  Benoît Vermander, a French sinologist and professor at the School of Philosophy at Fudan University, recently accepted an exclusive interview with China News Service's "East-West Question" on this issue. He hopes that China and France will increasingly respect and appreciate each other and "need to appreciate another culture like a glass of fine wine or a cup of fine tea."

The interview transcript is summarized as follows:

China News Service reporter: Sixty years ago, China and France formally established diplomatic relations, and France became the first major Western country to establish diplomatic relations with New China. What is the significance of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France?

Wei Mingde:

In 1964, the "Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and France" of just 45 words (40 words in French) started the normalization of relations between the People's Republic of China and the French Republic. It was a major breakthrough in the global Cold War pattern.

  The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France took the lead in opening the door to mutual understanding and exchanges between the West and New China, and its significance goes far beyond the scope of bilateral relations.

  To understand from my research field, over the past 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, there have been direct and continuous exchanges between artists, writers and thinkers of the two countries, establishing long-term friendship. Exchanges between creators influence the way citizens of both countries appreciate each other's culture. The history of Sino-French exchanges shows that artistic and literary creativity is inspired and nurtured by constant interaction between partners who learn from each other and are committed to continuing to do so.

Reporter from China News Service: From taking the lead in setting up cultural centers in each other's country, to hosting cultural years in each other's country, to opening the first civil aviation route between China and the West, China-France relations have always been at the forefront of China-Spain relations. How do we view this relationship from the perspective of culture and civilization? What are the characteristics of relations between countries?

Wei Mingde:

The rich cultural heritage between China and France needs to be used today to help the two countries and the international community respond to global challenges, such as solving the climate crisis, resolving regional conflicts, pursuing peace building, and cultivating humanistic education and common ethical standards. .

  The main characteristic of Sino-French relations is that it is not only bilateral, but also global. Sino-French cultural resource exchanges are also an important part of enriching global cultural exchanges.

The 17th "Shanghai French Week" was held at Yandang Road, a leisure street in the center of Shanghai. Photo by Zhou Dongchao

  The late General de Gaulle once believed that China is fundamentally a civilization, a "very unique and profound civilization." France also has a long history of civilization. These two great civilizations had always learned from each other and developed a mutual cultural fascination that dates back to the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi (reigned 1661-1722) and Louis XIV. This period saw the first organized intellectual and scientific exchange between the two countries (five "King's Mathematicians" sent by Louis XIV arrived in Beijing in 1688). In the 17th and 18th centuries, letters sent by Jesuit missionaries from China helped France and Europe better understand the diversity of Chinese social and cultural systems, and inspired the imagination of philosophers such as Voltaire.

  Gu Hongming, a famous translator, scholar and professor at Peking University in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, said in the book "The Spirit of the Chinese": "Only the French seem to understand China and Chinese civilization best, because the French have a spirit that is as extraordinary as the Chinese. spiritual qualities.”

On the evening of January 16, 2024, local time, a large-scale theatrical evening to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France was held in Paris with the theme of "Together for the Future". The picture shows a song performed by the French Polyphonic Children's Choir. Photo by Li Yang

  If tea culture represents the restrained and subtle Chinese charm, then wine culture contains the romantic and elegant French exotic style. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, and the cultural integration of tea and wine has once again become the focus of attention from the outside world.

China News Service reporter: China will implement a 15-day visa-free policy for French short-term visitors to China starting from December 1, 2023. France announced that Chinese master’s degree diploma holders with study experience in France can obtain a five-year visa. How will the reciprocal visa policy promote people-to-people exchanges and cultural exchanges between the two countries?

Wei Mingde:

The reciprocal visa approach between China and France helps the exchanges between the people of the two countries, which is the basis for the sustainable development of relations between the two countries. This is especially true on a cultural level – direct and ongoing exchanges between artists, writers and thinkers from both countries are crucial to the establishment of long-term friendships.

In 2014, "Famous Museums·Masters·Masterpieces—Special Exhibition to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and France" was launched at the National Museum of China in Beijing. The oil painting "63-year-old in coronation clothes" created by Hyacinthe Rigod in 1702 "Full-length Portrait of Louis XIV" meets the Chinese audience. Photo by Hou Yu

  Exchanges between creators influence the way citizens of both countries appreciate each other's culture. The history of Sino-French exchanges shows that artistic and literary creativity is triggered and nurtured by constant interactions with each other, and these partners learn from each other and are committed to continuing to do so.

Reporter from China News Service: In the face of new changes in the international environment, especially when "de-globalization" and "Cold War" thinking are once again rampant, how can China and France take practical actions to write a good story of exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations?

Wei Mingde:

China and France both have skills in conflict resolution and peace building, as well as concepts of dialogue and mutual respect, which must be applied on a global scale. People may disagree on some issues but still be able to respect each other. China and France share a rich and sophisticated culture, accompanied by a subtle sense that the world is not black and white, but appears in such a variety of colors that each needs to be appreciated.

  Many events will be held in China and France in the coming months, some of which have already begun. For example, at the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival, which is "out of the circle" overseas, the colorful giant ice sculpture landscape "Beijing Temple of Heaven" and "Notre Dame de Paris" are connected together, symbolizing the exchange and integration of the two countries' cultures. These two Sino-French landmark buildings jointly kicked off the "China-France Culture and Tourism Year".

In 2018, the original French classic musical "Romeo and Juliet" introduced by Tianjin Northern Performing Arts Group premiered in Tianjin and was well received by the audience. Photo by Zhang Daozheng

  The opera "Romeo and Juliet" created by French composer Gounod was recently performed in Beijing. The Palace of Versailles in Paris will cooperate with the Palace Museum in Beijing to hold the exhibition "Versailles and the Forbidden City: Sino-French Exchanges in the 17th and 18th Centuries." In addition, the Shanghai Power Station of Art will host an exhibition by French artist Annette Message.

  Likewise, major Chinese artworks will be displayed at the Musée Guimet, a well-known Asian art museum in France, and Chinese arts and crafts will be exhibited in multiple regions and cultural fairs will be held (one has already been held in Normandy).

Reporter from China News Service: Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France 60 years ago, "French fashion" has been highly sought after by Chinese young people, and Chinese-style products have also entered the lives of French people. Can you give an example of the impact that Chinese culture has on the lives of ordinary French people?

Wei Mingde:

In fact, we are facing a crossroads. A few years ago, France's "fascination" with China became even stronger, and China did more translation work of French works. Now, we must find a new way to communicate.

In 1996, a fashion delegation from Paris, France, displayed clothing at the Beijing Hotel. Photo by Qian Xingqiang

  China is working hard to introduce modern and contemporary Chinese academic works to the wider French (and more generally international) public, through numerous translation projects published in France by very prestigious publishing houses. In the past, in terms of the number of works, Chinese publishing institutions translated more French works than French publishing institutions translated Chinese works. This state-led effort has corrected this imbalance to a certain extent.

In 2018, at the Spring Festival parade held in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, France, dragon dance performances attracted citizens to watch and admire. Photo by Long Jianwu

  I hope that the French public will be more exposed to Chinese contemporary art, film or drama. Today, traditional Chinese art is quite famous and appreciated in France, but there are relatively few contemporary works.

China News Service reporter: Can you look forward to the China-France relations in the next 60 years? As a sinologist, what role will you play in this process?

Wei Mingde:

I hope that the relationship between China and France will be increasingly respected and appreciated. You need to appreciate another culture like you would a nice glass of wine or a fine cup of tea!

  "Dialogue" is an important model for the development of international relations, and different civilizations and cultural traditions have different "dialogue" models. Different ways of cultural interaction can inspire our true cross-cultural creativity, establish a new model of humanistic development, seek truth through trust in the "other", and seek truth through the power of argument.

  Sinologists can be like translators, serving as envoys to integrate Chinese and Western civilizations. Even without translating literary works, sinologists can "translate" concepts, ways of thinking, or lifestyles from one civilization to another. The perspective of “others” is precisely the social role of sinologists. The wisdom of “others” promotes their own continuous progress and makes people respect and better understand each other. It takes time, patience, skill and a passion for research, but also a talent for communication to make things easy to understand and suitable for everyone. (over)

Interviewee profile:

  Benoît Vermander, a French sinologist, is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of Religious Studies, School of Philosophy, Fudan University, and concurrently serves as the academic director of the "Xu Guangqi-Matteo Ricci Civilization Dialogue Research Center" in the School of Philosophy, Fudan University. The main research directions are religious anthropology and comparative spirituality. He has published more than 20 books such as "Dancing on the Bridge: Cross-Cultural Encounters and Dialogue" and "Globalization and China", and published more than 200 academic articles such as "From Civilization Genes to Contemporary Interpretation" and "Comparative Classics and the Dialogue of Sinology". paper. In 2014, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, he was named one of the "Fifty Most Influential French People in the Fifty Years of Sino-French Relations".