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Video duration 05 minutes 03 seconds 05:03

On Friday, the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), published a video clip of three captured female soldiers, demanding that the Israeli government stop the war on the Gaza Strip and return them to their homes.

The three female prisoners (Karina, Daniel Gilboa, and Doron) said, “Our government is lying to you. Do anything to return alive,” demanding that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu conclude an exchange deal with Hamas.

The female prisoners spoke about the conditions they live in in Gaza under the continuous Israeli bombing, and that they move from one place to another to escape death at the hands of the Israeli army.

In response to "daily Israeli attacks against the Palestinian people and their sanctities," on October 7, the Hamas movement launched an attack against military bases and settlements around the Gaza Strip, killing about 1,200 Israelis and capturing about 240. It exchanged about 110 of them during a truce with Israel, which holds more than 8,600 Palestinians in its prisons.

While voices are rising inside Israel for the return of prisoners in Gaza, Hebrew reports said that the continuous Israeli bombing of the Strip since last October 7 resulted in the killing of a number of them, in addition to the killing of a number of others during failed liberation attempts carried out by the army.

The Al-Qassam Brigades also announced several times that its prisoners were killed as a result of Israeli strikes targeting their detention sites.

Since October 7, the Israeli army has been waging a devastating war on the Gaza Strip, which, as of Wednesday, left 25,700 martyrs and 63,740 injured, most of them children and women, according to the Palestinian authorities, and caused massive destruction and an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, according to the United Nations.​​

Source: Al Jazeera