The Washington Post, a leading American newspaper, reported on the 25th that CIA Director Burns will be visiting Europe in the next few days and working with Israel to free all the hostages held by Hamas. It reported that it plans to work as an intermediary for Hamas.

According to the Washington Post, during his visit, Secretary Burns met with the head of Israel's intelligence agency, the head of the Egyptian intelligence agency who is acting as a mediator in negotiations on a cessation of hostilities, and Prime Minister Mohamed of Qatar, to discuss issues such as the release of hostages. It means negotiating.

Regarding the latest talks, another senior U.S. government official said, ``We believe that there has been sufficient exchange of views and that negotiations are approaching a serious stage.''

A senior White House official announced on the 24th that McGuirk, the Middle East coordinator, also visited Qatar, following Egypt.

The Israeli military claims that more than 130 people are still being held hostage.

The Biden administration hopes to strengthen its efforts to release the hostages by dispatching Secretary Burns, and it will be interesting to see if discussions move forward.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military announced on the 25th that units specializing in urban combat were engaged in fierce battles with Hamas fighters hiding in buildings and underground tunnels.

Gaza health authorities said on the 25th that 200 people had died in the past 24 hours, bringing the death toll to 25,900.