Europe 1 with AFP // Photo credit: MANDEL NGAN / AFP 10:49 p.m., January 25, 2024

The White House has urged US senators to reach an agreement on essential aid to Ukraine. This would be made difficult by Donald Trump. The favorite of the American right would seek to block any agreement to deprive Joe Biden of a political victory before the next presidential election. 

The White House on Thursday urged US senators to reach an agreement on essential aid to Ukraine, after reports that Donald Trump is seeking to torpedo any progress on the issue. According to American media, the big favorite of the right for the presidential election is encouraging Republicans to oppose the agreement to deprive his rival, Democratic President Joe Biden, of a political victory before the November election.

“We hope that the Republicans will remain at the negotiating table”

In recent weeks, Republican elected officials have put pressure on the Biden administration by linking any new aid to Ukraine to stricter measures against immigration, one of Donald Trump's campaign themes. An agreement between Republican and Democratic senators appeared to be on the verge of being reached in recent days. The budget for aid to Ukraine has been exhausted due to lack of agreement in Congress, while Kiev is increasingly concerned about the lack of aid from the United States and the European Union, its main support since the Russian invasion in February 2022.


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At the White House, we assure that the Biden administration managed this issue in “good faith” with the Republicans, notably during a meeting with the president himself last week. “We will continue to be in good faith and we hope that Republicans will stay at the negotiating table so that we get there,” White House spokeswoman Olivia Dalton told reporters.

Especially since Russia is "closely monitoring" the evolution of Washington's support for Ukraine, for his part underlined John Kirby, the spokesperson for the National Security Council of the United States. “Ukraine is facing critical months as it enters winter and spring approaches. And the Russians have shown no intention of letting up on drone and missile attacks,” he insisted.