Last week it emerged that the parties were far apart in terms of compensation for building a new hospital.

The region demands SEK 16 billion, while LKAB offers SEK 3 billion, something Dagens Nyheter was the first to report.

Care in modules

Since before, Region Norrbotten and Kiruna municipality have been arguing about the location.

It is already clear that parts of the care will have to take place in modules – perhaps as soon as 2025.

It is the wing closest to the mine that contains the dialysis clinic and public dental care that may need to vacate first.

But the cracks are not just there.

Cracks here and there

SVT Norrbotten has accompanied the property manager on a viewing which reveals that the cracks are found in several of the different building bodies that make up Kiruna Hospital.

In some stairwells, reinforcements have had to be made in the form of stampings, i.e. columns to help hold up the roofs.

Some cracks have been equipped with meters connected online that can record any changes in real time.

"Keeps an eye on the house"

LKAB brings staff every two weeks to take measurements and examine the cracks.

- They keep an iron eye on the house, says Mathias Lyngmark, who is the property manager responsible for the hospitals in Kiruna and Gällivare.

In the clip, we have his back as he shows around stairwells, culverts and other less public parts of the hospital where the cracks are fully visible.