Gauthier Delomez 3:42 p.m., January 25, 2024

Damien, father of two children aged 11 and 6, favors reading to his children at home, rather than watching screens.

But in the show “Pascal Praud et vous”, to be listened to every day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Europe 1, he explains that his daughter is particularly the victim of teasing at school.

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... With his partner, Damien decided to educate their two children, aged 11 and 6, through reading rather than new technologies and screens.

In the show

Pascal Praud et vous

, he explains that this choice allowed them to develop the pleasure of reading, but that this caused a reaction from his eldest daughter's classmates at primary school.

“At home, there are no screens. It’s a scourge because at school, my daughter doesn’t know the games that (her classmates) play and which are nevertheless prohibited for their age. Some tell her that she lives in a cave with stones because she is quirky, many reproach her for this,” relates this father.