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Video duration: 27 minutes 49 seconds 27:49

The leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Osama Hamdan, said that in light of the movement’s position based on the basic principles of reciprocity and international law, it will adhere to the ceasefire decision once it is issued by the International Court of Justice in The Hague as long as the Israeli occupation adheres to that.

Hamdan confirmed - in a press conference from Beirut - that the movement is following with great interest the court’s deliberations after the request submitted by the State of South Africa to the court to stop the genocide against the Palestinian people, especially in the Gaza Strip.

Hamdan added that Hamas will also release the Israeli prisoners it holds if the occupying state releases the Palestinian prisoners detained in it, stressing in this context the need for the occupation to end its 18-year-long siege on Gaza and bring in all the necessary aid for population relief and reconstruction.

He called on all countries, governments, and human rights and humanitarian bodies in the world to continue filing lawsuits in the International Criminal Court against the occupation and its political and military leaders, to criminalize their aggressive actions and bring them to trial as war criminals.

The Hamas leader warned against the occupation escalating its barbaric war against Gaza's hospitals, noting that his forces isolated Khan Yunis hospitals and committed horrific crimes against the displaced and patients there with the aim of displacing them, in a war crime and ongoing genocide, as he put it.

Stealing the organs of martyrs

Hamdan accused the occupation of destroying more than 17 cemeteries in the Gaza Strip, recovering and stealing the bodies of the martyrs, tampering with them, mutilating them, and returning them after stealing their organs. He considered this “a full-fledged Zionist crime that expresses the sadism and fascism of this occupation, which has transcended all limits and transcended all values ​​and customs.” And morals and heavenly laws.”

He said that the occupation’s plans to create a security belt on the borders of the Gaza Strip, by destroying and blowing up entire residential squares, and bulldozing farms and civilian facilities, are “a Zionist crime and blatant aggression (..) that will not succeed in achieving its aggressive goals.”

The Hamas leader considered the scene of the occupation war chiefs at the end of the fourth month of their aggression against the Gaza Strip revealing internal rifts, erosion, and confusion among its leaders. “They are all, despite their political and military differences, unable to achieve any of their aggressive goals,” he said.

He stressed that Hamas is dealing with all seriousness with the proposals and ideas of the mediators about stopping the comprehensive aggression and exchanging prisoners, reiterating that the only chance for the soldiers captured by the resistance to return alive will not be until after a comprehensive cessation of the aggression, adding that every procrastination and delay in stopping the aggression means more deaths in the country. Their ranks.

Hamdan denounced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's continued attacks on the State of Qatar, and considered this an expression of bankruptcy and political failure, and confirms the indifference of Netanyahu and his government to the vital and important role that Qatar played, and continues to play, as an honest and effective mediator in the negotiations to stop the aggression and exchange prisoners.

Reprehensible endeavors

Hamdan denounced what he called “the efforts aimed at saving the occupation from the mire and quagmire of the strategic defeat it suffered in the Gaza Strip” by establishing a land route that is being coordinated to transport goods coming from India to an Arab port, through Arab lands, and then to the occupying state, to avoid the embargo that It was imposed by Yemeni forces on occupation ships.

He stressed that the Arab countries concerned with the statement of extremist Transportation Minister Miri Regev must clarify their position, adding, "Today we are facing a historic entitlement that does not accept half-hearted positions and solutions."

Hamdan called on all free people in the world to go out tomorrow, Friday and next Saturday and Sunday, in all arenas of the world in order to put pressure on leaders and leaders of countries and governments, to open the crossings and bring in aid, prevent the death of the people of the Gaza Strip from hunger, thirst and disease, and stop the genocidal war.

Source: Al Jazeera