China News Service, January 25. According to the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the National Health Commission, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the All-China Women’s Federation, the Civil Aviation Administration of China, and the State Railway Nine departments including the Group recently issued a notice on launching the 2024 Spring Breeze Action.

  The notice pointed out that the theme of the 2024 Spring Breeze Operation is "Spring Breeze Sends Jobs to Promote Employment, Precise Services and Assist Development", and the event time is from January 25, 2024 (the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month) to April 8 (the end of the second lunar month).

  The notice confirms that the service targets of the 2024 Spring Breeze Action are: (1) Rural workers who are willing to find employment and start a business, especially those who have been lifted out of poverty (including those monitored to prevent return to poverty), fishermen who are prohibited from fishing in the Yangtze River, graduates of rural colleges and universities, and those who are affected by earthquakes, People affected by floods, ice and other disasters.

(2) Employers with labor needs, especially key industrial and supply chain enterprises, enterprises ensuring the supply of important people's livelihood commodities, and small, medium and micro enterprises.

(3) Other workers who are willing to find employment and start a business.

  The objectives of the 2024 Spring Breeze Action are: (1) Stabilizing employment and increasing people’s livelihood and well-being.

Let workers understand employment policies, service measures and application channels, and those in need can enjoy employment policies and employment services, so as to achieve orderly return to work, employment and entrepreneurship.

(2) Guarantee employment and promote enterprise development.

Enable employers with labor needs to enjoy relevant recruitment services and policy support, receive strong support for the resumption of production, and achieve smooth start-up and healthy development.

(3) Increase the popularity and strengthen market confidence.

Make workers and employers feel the warmth of service, increase the popularity of the labor market, boost workers' confidence in job hunting and the development of market entities, and provide effective assistance for high-quality development.

  The notice also pointed out that the activities of the 2024 Spring Breeze Operation include the following six aspects:

  (1) Conduct concentrated visits and surveys.

Go deep into towns (streets) and villages (communities) to carry out "employment interviews", go deep into key enterprises to carry out "visits to enterprises and inquire about needs", and comprehensively use "face-to-face" interviews, online questionnaires, big data analysis and other methods to understand labor Participants’ employment willingness and enterprise employment needs, and grasp the new characteristics and trends of the labor market.

  (2) Extensive publicity of service initiatives.

Establish a three-dimensional online and offline publicity matrix, adopt all-media means, start the event promotion work as soon as possible, release various arrangements for the event on a rolling basis, promote employment and entrepreneurship policies and relevant labor and security laws and regulations by groups and categories, and promote local We will dig deep into typical stories of entrepreneurship and employment, present the results of the activities in a concentrated manner, create a hot atmosphere of "Operation Spring Breeze is around you", and further build the service brand of "Operation Spring Breeze".

  (3) Hold intensive recruitment activities.

The "Spring Breeze Action" logo should be uniformly used and hung in prominent locations at various recruitment events or homepages, as well as in public employment service agencies, employment stations, gig markets and other places.

Jointly hold online and offline recruitment activities, make full use of online carriers such as public recruitment websites and short video platforms, and crowded places such as squares, stations, supermarkets and markets, give full play to the role of grassroots employment service sites, and launch "large and comprehensive" " Various forms of recruitment activities such as "Specialized and Fine" and "Small and Beautiful" have been implemented to achieve recruitment every week and send jobs to people around them.

  (4) Actively organize labor service docking.

Labor importing and exporting places should rely on mechanisms such as east-west collaboration, counterpart support, intra-provincial collaboration, and regional labor cooperation alliances to carry out joint recruitment, on-site recruitment, group recruitment, organize special docking of labor brands, and promote high-quality transfer of rural workers. employment.

For workers who need to return to their hometowns and return to work in a centralized manner, the labor exporting or importing places should organize and connect, and provide chartered cars, special trains (chartered carriages), chartered flights and other services to help facilitate travel.

  (5) Strong support for people returning to their hometowns to start businesses.

Select a group of entrepreneurial projects with "small investment and low risk", explore a group of entrepreneurial incubation bases, return home entrepreneurship parks and other vacant space resources, sort out a set of local policies, services, finance and other "full chain" support measures to promote entrepreneurship Accurate push and efficient payment.

Organize a group of entrepreneurial mentors into the park and villages to provide entrepreneurial project development solutions through on-site services and remote consultation.

  (6) Launch a series of heart-warming measures.

We will send holiday condolences to rural workers and other service recipients, organize various forms of "warming" activities for migrant workers who still stick to their jobs during the Spring Festival, and do a good job in preventing and treating respiratory infectious diseases among migrant workers.

Strengthen career guidance for rural college graduates and other young people, make good use of rural "youth entrepreneurship spaces" and other vehicles, and provide services such as employment outside the home, employment and entrepreneurship in rural areas according to their wishes.

We will provide employment assistance to older migrant workers and provide targeted job opportunities and skills training opportunities at their doorsteps.

Organize "paired assistance teams" to carry out door-to-door job delivery, policy delivery, service delivery, and skills delivery activities for people affected by earthquakes, floods, freezes, etc., organize and participate in post-disaster reconstruction, and develop a number of rural public welfare positions as needed to help as soon as possible overcome obstacles.