The new operational plan for Germany (OPLAN) will determine “how to act together,” said the head of the Bundeswehr’s territorial command, Lieutenant General Andre Bodemann.

“Such defense planning is primarily aimed at deterrence.

We are doing something to prevent conflict or war from breaking out,” he said.

As the military leader notes, in the event of a defense, Germany's critical infrastructure will be under particular threat.

At the same time, Germany is no longer a front-line state, but is located in the “rear” of NATO, the material says.

“This does not mean that I expect an armored battle in the North German Plain or an airborne landing of Russian paratroopers,” Bodemann said.

However, critical infrastructure, ports, bridges, energy companies, "are of course at risk from acts of sabotage," he added.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said earlier on ZDF that Berlin must realize the danger of a military conflict with Russia, so Germany needs to arm itself.