Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease in Sweden.

And although it is most common among the elderly, approximately one in four people over the age of 45 are affected.

One of those affected is Marie-Louise Gustavsson in Vintrosa.

- Both my mother and my sister have had the same problem, so when the pain became too severe I went to the health centre, says Marie-Louise.

Osteoarthritis in both knees

She was found to have advanced osteoarthritis in both knees.

The physiotherapist prescribed exercise several times a week, which Marie-Louise managed, but eventually she was offered surgery.

- I had to choose which knee to start with, it was basically just as bad with both.

New robotic technology

The first knee was operated according to the traditional method.

Marie-Louise was then asked if she wanted to be part of a new study, where the operation was carried out with the help of new robotic technology.

- I received excellent information about what it would entail and accepted.

I have not regretted it.

In the clip, Marie-Louise talks about how the knee operations changed everyday life