
Updated Thursday, January 25, 2024-09:39

  • Profile Javier Milei, a man who was beaten by his father and who had his dead dog cloned, with whom he speaks thanks to a medium

  • Relations Fátima Flórez, Milei's girlfriend: a separate imitator as first lady of Argentina (and who were her predecessors)

María Celeste Ponce, anti-feminist deputy from La Libertad Avanza (LLA), shared an image with the Argentine flag in the background in her office.

What seemed like a photo like any other, aroused the interest of thousands of people and went viral.

"It's a common photo, in the office. Nothing more. I don't know the reason for its viralization

," were the first words that

María Celeste Ponce

expressed .

In the post that accompanied the photo, the deputy expressed: "Happy to have the Argentine flag in my office!"

Messages quickly circulated: "Who is this woman?"

And his publication was filled with likes.


I get comments of all kinds

, but the truth is that I only read what I consider important, something in which I can really contribute. I am not interested in what is superficial," said the legislator on


an Argentine channel.

The deputy assures that she does not care much about references to her body, although this was not always the case because in her adolescence she was overweight.

"I have surpassed myself and that is why

what they say about my body is not something that keeps me up at night.

Some comments even seem nice to me," she said.

María Celeste Ponce is one of the signings that Javier Milei made in his race for the presidency of Argentina.

After becoming president,

María Celeste became a deputy.

The politician is 36 years old and was born in the town of Huinca Renancó, belonging to the province of Córdoba.

She is single and has no children.

As demonstrated by several

photographs together,

Ella celeste is one of Javier Milei's trusted people.

In his Twitter description (X) he reflects his ideology.

She defines herself as anti-feminist and from Córdoba and adds "God first" to record his faith.

According to various media outlets,

Celeste studied law at the National University of Córdoba

and is preparing her thesis.

As an entrepreneur, she created 'Celeste Cielo' in 2017, a local company that had to close due to the pandemic.

She also defines herself as the black sheep of her family, working class in her words, and the middle of three sisters.

"I decided

to leave my communications degree and start law

at the National University of Córdoba. I studied there for three years while working independently."

The now deputy left her studies due to a health problem.

"I suffered a severe relapse in my emotional health.

I had depression and was forced to give up everything for almost two years.

I lost a lot of weight and began to change some habits."

In 2022 he founded

"Pumas Libertarios"

, a group in which he brought together a significant number of militants in his province.

It was then when he met President

Javier Milei

: "He knew that I defend the ideas of freedom, that helped position me at the head of the list of deputies of one of the most important provinces at the electoral level."

And he added:

"Javier is a friend, a person with whom I can talk freely, learn and admire at the same time."