Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Uzbekistan on the All-Weather Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for a New Era

  At the invitation of President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China, President Mirziyoyev of the Republic of Uzbekistan paid a state visit to the People's Republic of China from January 23 to 25, 2024.

  The two heads of state held talks in a warm and friendly atmosphere, exchanged in-depth views on China-Uzbekistan relations, further deepening all-round cooperation between the two countries, and international and regional issues of common interest, and reached broad consensus.

  Both sides spoke highly of the "Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Uzbekistan" signed in Xi'an on May 18, 2023 and the "Development Plan for the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for a New Era between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Uzbekistan (2023-2027)" adopted .

  Based on the principles of friendship, mutual trust, equal cooperation, common development, common progress, and common prosperity, both parties confirm the development and deepening of the all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Uzbekistan in the new era and promote the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Uzbekistan. They hereby declare as follows:

  1. China speaks highly of Uzbekistan’s great achievements through comprehensive reforms, and warmly congratulates President Mirziyoyev on his re-election as President of Uzbekistan in July 2023.

  China believes that under the leadership of President Mirziyoyev, Uzbekistan will smoothly promote the "Uzbekistan-2030" strategy, achieve various goals and tasks as scheduled, and benefit the Uzbek people.

  Uzbekistan spoke highly of China's great achievements in economic and social development, and wished the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, to fully build a modern and powerful socialist country, achieve the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.

  2. The two sides believe that active political dialogue at the highest levels of the two countries is the core and key factor in promoting the development of China-Uzbekistan relations, and agreed to maintain close exchanges between the two heads of state through meetings, phone calls, and correspondence.

  Both sides support China's National People's Congress and the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan to carry out multi-level exchanges and cooperation, consolidate the social and public opinion foundation of China-Uzbekistan friendship, and strengthen legal cooperation between the two countries in various fields.

  The two sides spoke highly of the coordinating, coordinating and promoting role played by the China-Uzbekistan Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee and its subcommittees in deepening all-round cooperation between the two countries, and agreed to continue active collaboration under this mechanism.

  The two sides agreed to hold the seventh meeting of the China-Ukraine Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee in Tashkent in 2024.

  The two sides spoke highly of the establishment of the China-Uzbekistan Foreign Ministers Strategic Dialogue Mechanism and the holding of the first dialogue in Beijing in November 2023. They believed that the mechanism was an important platform to promote the implementation of the consensus reached by the two heads of state and exchange views on bilateral, regional and international issues.

  The two sides will continue to conduct regular meetings and consultations at all levels, exchange views and coordinate positions in a timely manner on bilateral relations and international and regional hotspot issues of common concern.

  3. The two sides will firmly support each other on issues involving each other's core interests such as national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, and oppose the politicization of human rights issues by third countries.

  Both sides oppose acts by a third country or any organization or group within their own country that harm the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the other country.

  Uzbekistan firmly supports the one-China principle, reiterates that the government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. It opposes any form of Taiwan independence, reiterates that it will not engage in any form of official exchanges with Taiwan, and firmly supports Cross-Strait relations develop peacefully and we firmly support all efforts made by the Chinese government to achieve national reunification.

  Both sides emphasized the importance of the principle of non-interference in internal affairs.

  China firmly supports the Republic of Uzbekistan’s peaceful, open and pragmatic foreign policy and its efforts to promote stability and common prosperity in Central Asia.

  China has always supported Uzbekistan's independently chosen development path and is willing to provide assistance within its capacity to support Uzbekistan's steady advancement of major domestic agendas such as modernization and economic and social reform.

  China speaks highly of Uzbekistan's positive role in deepening regional cooperation, good-neighborly friendship, closer relations with Central Asian countries, reducing potential conflicts, building a "Central Asian partnership spirit", and enhancing the region's international status and investment attractiveness.

  The two sides pointed out the importance of holding regular meetings of Central Asian heads of state and believed that this mechanism has become an effective regional dialogue platform for constructive discussions on hot issues.

  4. In order to continuously enrich the connotation of the all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era, the two sides agreed to jointly implement the outcomes of the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum and strengthen the connection between the "Belt and Road" initiative and the "New Uzbekistan" development strategy.

  The two sides will take the opportunity of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" to enter a new stage of high-quality development, further deepen and expand cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, investment and scientific and technological innovation, and actively explore feasible paths to achieve bilateral trade liberalization and facilitation, as part of a comprehensive strategy Build a solid foundation for partnership.

  The two sides will jointly implement the "Intergovernmental Economic, Trade and Investment Cooperation Plan (2022-2026) between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Uzbekistan" signed on February 5, 2022.

  In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Ukraine will exceed 10 billion US dollars.

The two sides welcomed this positive trend and agreed to promote balanced development of trade and achieve the goal of increasing the scale of bilateral trade to US$20 billion at an early date.

  Both sides attach great importance to the potential for cooperation in the field of e-commerce, believe that the e-commerce cooperation mechanism between the two countries is of great significance, and welcome the China-Uzbekistan e-commerce working group meeting to be held as soon as possible.

  The two sides are willing to continue to expand investment cooperation, make good use of the China-Uzbekistan Investment Cooperation Working Group mechanism, and efficiently implement cooperation projects including digital economy and green development.

  The two sides are willing to continue to strengthen cooperation in the fields of high-tech, machinery manufacturing, agriculture and water conservancy, and food security, and promote the agreed-upon priority investment and cooperation projects to be implemented as soon as possible.

  Both parties will actively implement the "International Economic and Trade Cooperation Framework Initiative on Digital Economy and Green Development".

  The two parties agreed to rely on the introduction of high and new technologies, encourage and promote investment cooperation, jointly build high-tech industrial cooperation projects, and produce competitive high value-added products.

  Both sides welcome the holding of the China-Uzbekistan Investment Forum in Shenzhen on January 25, 2024, and the holding of the third meeting of the China-Uzbekistan Investment Cooperation Working Group in 2024.

  China is willing to expand imports of high-quality agricultural products and other products from Uzbekistan, and will expedite the approval of inspection and quarantine permits for specific categories of agricultural products and animal products.

  The two sides are willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the "single window" field of international trade, promote interconnection and electronic transmission of trade documents, and further enhance the level of cross-border trade facilitation.

  China is willing to fully support Uzbekistan's accession to the World Trade Organization and provide necessary assistance.

The relevant departments of both sides are willing to strengthen cooperation and constructively carry out bilateral market access negotiations between China and Ukraine.

  The two sides emphasized the importance of continuously deepening cooperation in scientific and technological innovation and will actively promote the achievement of more practical results in exchanges of young scientists, scientific and technological poverty alleviation, technology transfer, joint research, and joint construction of scientific research platforms.

  Uzbekistan welcomes the Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative proposed by China, and the two sides are willing to expand exchanges and cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence.

  5. The two sides pointed out that it is necessary to expand cooperation in the fields of traditional energy, renewable energy, green energy, and the transformation of high-tech achievements.

  The two sides reiterated their willingness to closely cooperate in green financing, green technology, smart agriculture, water-saving technology, prevention of desertification and soil degradation under the framework of jointly building the Green Silk Road.

  Both sides emphasized the importance of cooperation in rational utilization of water resources and improvement of ecological environment.

China is willing to actively discuss the new phase of dredger project with Uzbekistan.

  Both sides welcomed the signing of the "Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Cooperation in the Field of Renewable Energy" in Beijing on October 17, 2023, which will provide an important legal basis for the implementation of large-scale cooperation projects in this field.

  Uzbekistan welcomes Chinese companies to participate in solar, wind energy and hydropower projects, and is willing to introduce Chinese technology and investment to implement renewable energy projects, localize materials and equipment needed for the development of green energy including solar panels, silicon wafers, batteries and other green energy, and jointly cultivate professional.

  The two sides are willing to further deepen practical cooperation in the fields of geological survey, mineral resources, especially the exploration and development and utilization of key metals, and support enterprises of the two countries in mining investment cooperation.

  Both sides welcome the holding of a bilateral mineral resources cooperation working group meeting within the framework of the China-Uzbekistan Economic and Trade Cooperation Sub-Committee as soon as possible.

  6. Both sides believe that the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project has historical and strategic significance for strengthening connectivity between China and Uzbekistan and the region.

  Both sides are willing to accelerate the construction of the China-Central Asia transportation corridor, promote the operation of the "China-Central Asia" container train, ensure the smooth operation of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway, and take practical measures to increase cargo volume.

  Both sides emphasized the importance of the trans-Afghanistan railway project, which will promote transportation and economic connectivity between Central Asia and South Asia and open up new prospects for expanding inter-regional commodity flows and economic exchanges.

  China is willing to encourage domestic enterprises to participate in the implementation of relevant projects in accordance with commercial and market principles.

  7. The two sides will continue to actively promote local cooperation and give full play to the engine role of local cooperation in strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership and all-round cooperation.

  Both sides spoke highly of the successful holding of the China-Uzbekistan Local Cooperation Forum and the "Made in Uzbekistan" exhibition in Urumqi on January 22, 2024, which has created an important and broad platform for expanding economic and trade investment cooperation, strengthening partnerships and friendly exchanges.

  The two sides emphasized that local governments of the two countries should be encouraged to establish and consolidate sister province-state and sister-city relationships.

  8. The two sides attach great importance to cooperation in the fields of health and biotechnology, welcome China-Uzbekistan joint vaccine research and development and production, promote the further development of cooperation in the entire industry chain of the vaccine industry and joint drug development, and promote the establishment of a regional vaccine research and development center and biotechnology industrial park in Uzbekistan.

  China is willing to help Uzbekistan cultivate talents in the health field, continue to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Uzbekistan in the fields of disease prevention and control, health emergency response, telemedicine, and traditional medicine, and jointly promote the construction of a human health and health community.

  9. The two sides will further expand cooperation in education, science, culture, people-to-people diplomacy, sports, tourism, archaeology and other fields, and strengthen friendly exchanges in the fields of news media, educational and academic institutions, friendship associations, art groups, youth and other fields.

  Both sides welcomed the successful mutual hosting of cultural days in Uzbekistan in October 2023 and in China in January 2024.

  China welcomes Uzbekistan to join the Asian Cultural Heritage Protection Alliance, and the two sides are willing to jointly carry out practical cooperation in ancient civilization research, joint archaeology, monument restoration, and museum exchanges within the framework of the alliance.

  China welcomes Uzbekistan’s declaration of 2024 as the Year of Supporting Youth and Business, and is willing to implement cooperation projects aimed at enhancing youth innovation potential and expanding entrepreneurial capabilities.

  Both sides attach great importance to strengthening exchanges and cooperation between institutions of higher learning and support universities in both countries to play their main role and carry out various forms of school-running activities according to subject and professional needs.

  Both parties spoke highly of the results of the Beijing China-Uzbekistan Hundred Schools Cooperation Forum on January 22, 2024, and agreed to institutionalize it.

  10. The two sides emphasized that the Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Simplifying Visa Procedures for Business Personnel signed in 2019 has opened up new opportunities for consolidating friendly relations between the two countries, developing bilateral economic, trade and investment cooperation, promoting personnel exchanges and developing tourism. broad prospects.

  China points out with satisfaction that Uzbekistan has implemented a 10-day visa-free entry policy for Chinese citizens.

Both sides are willing to negotiate and sign a mutual visa exemption agreement.

  11. The two sides reaffirmed that a peaceful, stable, developing and prosperous Afghanistan is in the common interest of Afghanistan and regional countries, respects Afghanistan’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and national unity, does not interfere in Afghanistan’s internal affairs, and supports “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned” "The basic principle.

  Both sides are willing to work with the international community to continue to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, support Afghanistan's development, strengthen practical cooperation with Afghanistan, and promote Afghanistan's integration into the regional economic connectivity and integration process.

  The two sides spoke highly of the successful hosting of the third and fourth Foreign Ministers' Meetings of Afghanistan's Neighboring Countries in Tunxi, Anhui in March 2022 and Samarkand in April 2023, respectively, and supported Turkmenistan's hosting of the fifth Foreign Ministers' Meeting of Afghanistan's Neighboring Countries. , is willing to continue to actively carry out political dialogue at the bilateral and multilateral levels on issues of common concern in various fields.

  China believes that Ukraine's initiative to establish an international negotiating group on Afghanistan under the framework of the United Nations is of great significance.

  Both sides oppose taking or supporting measures and behaviors in Afghanistan that may threaten the national interests of both parties.

  12. Both sides emphasized that security and development are important issues facing the international community.

  Both sides believe that expanding cooperation between departments such as defense, law enforcement and intelligence is of great significance to deepening security cooperation between the two countries.

  The two sides will continue to jointly combat the "three evil forces", namely all forms of terrorism, separatism and extremism, as well as illegal trafficking in drugs, weapons, ammunition, explosives and cross-border organized crime.

In response to the above threats, the two sides will deepen cooperation in law enforcement and security fields, and strengthen exchanges and intelligence sharing between relevant departments.

  The two sides will continue to carry out joint anti-terrorism training between the law enforcement and security departments of the two countries to improve their joint operational capabilities in maintaining stability and responding to emergencies.

  The two sides will strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of emergency management, carry out practical cooperation in the fields of natural disaster prevention and control, ensuring safe production and emergency rescue, continue to deepen cooperation within the framework of multilateral mechanisms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and jointly improve emergency management capabilities.

  China welcomes Uzbekistan to participate in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" international cooperation mechanism for natural disaster prevention and emergency management and the China-Central Asia emergency management cooperation mechanism.

  The two sides will take measures to promote cooperation in combating illegal immigration and human trafficking, money laundering, economic crimes and cross-border corruption.

  Both sides positively evaluated the results of cooperation between the defense departments of the two countries and will further expand exchanges at all levels and in all fields and deepen military and technical cooperation.

  13. Both sides spoke highly of the China-Central Asia mechanism and believed that the mechanism is an important platform for deepening multilateral cooperation.

  The two sides are willing to work with other parties to speed up the establishment and improvement of the ministerial meeting mechanism in key areas under the China-Central Asia mechanism and complete the preparations for the establishment of the permanent secretariat of the China-Central Asia mechanism as soon as possible.

  14. Both sides emphasized that they should abide by the international order based on the United Nations Charter and the basic principles of international law, that is, respect the independence, equality, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, and adhere to multilateral cooperation with the United Nations at the core.

  The two sides will continue to strengthen mutual support and cooperation within the framework of multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, exchange views and coordinate positions on major international and regional issues of common concern in a timely manner, and work together to deal with global and regional issues. challenge.

  Uzbekistan actively supports and promotes the implementation of the community with a shared future for mankind proposed by China, as well as the global development initiative, global security initiative and global civilization initiative. It believes that the above-mentioned initiatives are of great significance to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and maintaining world peace and security.

  The two sides are willing to deepen cooperation under the framework of the "Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative", actively promote global development partnerships, and advance the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

  China welcomes and supports Uzbekistan’s constructive initiatives aimed at strengthening cooperation between countries, regions and the international community in the fields of peace, security and sustainable development.

  China pointed out that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the "Special Resolution on Declaring the Aral Sea Region as an Ecological Innovation and Science and Technology Zone" initiated by Uzbekistan to eliminate the negative impact of the Aral Sea disaster, restore and improve the surrounding environment, protect natural resources, and improve the quality of life of the people in the region. important contribution.

  China welcomes the "Resolution on Strengthening Connectivity in Central Asia and South Asia" adopted by the United Nations General Assembly initiated by the President of Uzbekistan, and is willing to deepen cooperation under the framework of the resolution and jointly strengthen regional connectivity.

  China believes that the "Samarkand Solidarity Initiative - For Common Security and Prosperity" and the Samarkand International Climate Forum in 2024 under the framework of the initiative are timely and conducive to maintaining peace and stability, carrying out extensive international cooperation, and promoting humankind. sustainable development.

  China welcomes the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the resolution "Central Asia Faces Global Climate Threats - Unite for Common Prosperity" initiated by the President of Uzbekistan, and believes that the adoption of this resolution will help further unite regional and international forces and promote the sustainable development of Central Asian countries.

  15. Both sides believe that this meeting between the two heads of state is of great significance in promoting the further development of China-Uzbekistan relations.

  President Mirziyoyev of the Republic of Uzbekistan thanked President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China for his warm and friendly reception to the Uzbek delegation and invited President Xi Jinping to visit Uzbekistan at a time convenient to both parties.

  President of the People's Republic of China President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  Xi Jinping Shavkat Mirziyoyev

January 24, 2024 in Beijing