Occupation army soldiers during an intensive deployment near the Lebanese border (Getty)

Today, Thursday, Israel renewed its pledge to launch a strong military strike against Lebanon, while Israeli media confirmed the deployment of a large number of Israeli forces near the Lebanese borders.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said, during his meeting in occupied Jerusalem with his Italian counterpart, Antonio Taiani, that the Israeli army will launch a military strike on Lebanon “from which it will not recover,” if the Lebanese Hezbollah does not withdraw from the border with northern Israel.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry said - in a statement - that Katz asked Tayani "to work with the Lebanese government to withdraw Hezbollah from southern Lebanon, and warned of a war that would cause serious harm to Lebanese citizens."

Great spread

In a related context, Israeli media confirmed the deployment of a large number of army forces in the western sector of the border with Lebanon, after a warning about armed infiltration.

Israeli Channel 13 reported on the suspicion of infiltration of 3 people from Lebanon into the Hanita area in the Upper Galilee, and confirmed the declaration of a state of alert, while Occupation Radio spoke of closing the roads leading to Hanita and preventing residents from leaving their homes.

On the other hand, Hezbollah announced that it had targeted the Israeli military site of Jal al-Alam with missiles, achieving direct hits, minutes after it announced that it had targeted the Israeli radar site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms.

Israeli bombing

For its part, the official Lebanese News Agency reported that the Israeli army bombed several Lebanese border areas, some of them with phosphorus shells, since the early hours of dawn.

The agency stated that "the Israeli attacks coincided with an army sweeping operation targeting the vicinity of the Al-Hadab site with medium and heavy machine guns, and with the throwing of light shells over the vicinity of the site and the adjacent forests."

In light of the aggression against the Gaza Strip, which entered its 111th day, since October 8, the Israeli-Lebanese border has witnessed an exchange of bombardments that led to deaths and injuries on both sides, in addition to deaths and injuries among Lebanese civilians.

Source: Agencies