The prosecutor's office does not want to state exactly what the woman, who is in her 50s, has done, other than that it is genocide, crimes against humanity and serious war crimes.

According to Sweden's radio Ekot, it is supposed to be genocide against, among other things, the Yezidi minority.

Happened in Raqqa 2014-2016

According to the prosecutor, the crimes were committed between 2014 and 2016.

- The investigation concerns events in Raqqa, Syria from August 2014 to December 2016. The woman is suspected of having committed acts against the Yazidi minority, says senior prosecutor Reena Devgun, who leads the preliminary investigation.

What do we know about the IS woman from Halmstad?

The woman grew up in Halmstad and traveled to Syria in 2013 with her five children, where she joined the Islamic State.

In the clip above, you see images from the time within IS and what is known about the woman so far.