Jean-Baptiste Marty / Photo credits: Stephane Mouchmouche / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 6:52 a.m., January 25, 2024

Six months before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, security risks are becoming clearer with a protest movement getting organized.

According to an information note that Europe 1 was able to consult, the anti-Olympics, until then discreet, are now taking action, this time on the ground, by planning to disrupt the smooth running of the event.

The authorities' heavy-handed actions are increasing throughout France to disrupt the Olympic Games, according to an information note obtained by Europe 1.

The latest example, at Grand Bornan where snow cannons were damaged, tags hostile to the Games were also discovered.

Secret actions identified by the authorities

Anti-Olympic negotiations operations are also intensifying, as in Gap on January 15.

At the origin of these actions, structured collectives like the Uprisings of the Earth, a collective which also multiplies local meetings throughout France to unite its members, always according to the information note.


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In Manosque, in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, for example, activists are due to meet at the end of February to plan a series of actions during the passage of the Olympic flame in the south.

A sign of an increasingly strong structure, meeting points for activists have been identified by the authorities.

This is particularly the case of a farm in Yvelines, which could serve as a logistical center for future actions, making the authorities fear an increasingly structured protest base.